jenandbill1 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

jenandbill1 on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

Looking for Coningsby from Cambridgshire

Hi, I am looking for any decendants of the Coningsby family from Cambridgshire, UK, I have Flower/Flora Coningsby, born late 1700's, she had a daughter Jane born ab: 1805

2 comment(s), latest 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Looking for Jessie Gooding

Hi, I am looking for Jessie Gooding, born in England 1855/1860
but who emigrated to America, & married Charles Thompson, does anyone know of this family please

Looking for Paul Hoppo and his Decendants

Paul Hoppo married Miranda Thompson ( daughter of Joseph and Jane Thompson )in 1862 in Adelaide, Australia,
I am looking for anyone else that maybe reseaching this Family
Jenny NZ

5 comment(s), latest 16 years, 5 months ago