kimbleann on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

kimbleann on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

William Henry Moss Staffordshire

William Henry Moss born 14.4.1842 Staffordshire Eng. married Constance Weston born 25.12.1845 Calne Wiltshire. Williams parents were Robert and Anne .Henry came to
Australia on the "Legion of Honor" in 1866.

william henry alexander London

Looking for William Henry Alexander born 22.10.1833 London, married Emily Gordon Dun on the 14th June 1860 in Australia ( I think),they had 11 children all born in Australia.

John Speller Wright

Looking for John Speller Wright, he was a tailor in London at 44 Conduit Street London, his fathers name was William and John was an apprentice to Thomas Wand. He married in 1937 to Martha Darby at St. Pancras Old Church London. He came to Australia in 1839 on the "Somersetshire"

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