mareleigh on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Quest in Genealogy

Our Research on both my Mother and Father's sides of the families, have caused us to criss cross the US from 1790 through 1930. We seem to faulter during the civil war years, also the loss of the 1890 census.

We have two HALL Families to search for.
1. Would be in Cornwall, NY
dating 1875 through 1895. An unknown HALL male - either married to or involved with an Abigail BABCOCK, daughter of Isaac BABCOCK.

2. Would be from Florida
dating 1840 through 1880. Matilda HALL was born in Florida, her Father (unknown) born in SC. Her Mother (unknown) born in Ga. Matilda is first found in 1880 Louisiana Census - Vernon Parish, married to John BRISTER, son of Samuel H. and Mary NOLEN BRISTER.

Louisiana - SC - NC - Mississippi - Texas

We have documentation on BAILEY Family, originating in Anson County, NC. Which of course is either John or Thomas BAILEY - married to Sarah Lydia WALDON, settling in Mississippi, then onto Louisana.
Our BAILEY Family marries into the AUSTIN Family - then into the BRISTER Family.

ROBERTS family, we begin in Georgia. Husband was John ROBERTS, married Lucinda ARNOLD. Both were from GA, married in Mississippi. Unknown if children were born in Ga and after John ROBERTS death returned to mississippi. Children John ROBERTS and Elizabeth ROBERTS. Elizabeth would marry James NOWLEN in Mississippi. James was from SC. Children Mary NOLEN, Susan NOLEN, James NOWLEN Jr.

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