mema5157 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

mema5157 on Family Tree Circles

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looking for" Adams" of Ernest, PA (John & Mary Adams )

they were my grandparents, John worked in the coal mines in Ernest probably in the mid 1900's

ancestors from germany

looking for any information on Fleck surname, my father's name Harold B. Fleck's great grandparents came from CastleCastle, Germany.I don't know their names but, my father's parents were Walter & Bertha.Any info would be greatly appreciated.

2 comment(s), latest 17 years, 10 months ago

I'm a coal miners granddaughter

My family is originally from Ernest,PA. My grand father John Adams,(wife's name Mary) was a coal miner in Ernest. I still have family there. I am researching any info about my grand father and any info about my family history, My mother(Dorothy Adams Fleck) has passed in 1976,John and Mary Adams were her parents. Even though we left Ernest when I was only 3 I have visited a few times and still find it a comfort like being home.My fathers's name is Harold Fleck and he still has family there also.
I am trying to find any pictures or literature on my family and appreciate any help.