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mlhcornell on Family Tree Circles

About mlhcornell

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mlhcornell , from Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2009. is researching the following names: NESSELROTTEANDORKUHN, NESSELROTTE, JOHNSONSOFMS and 5 other(s).


Born in Little Rock, Arkansas to Leonard Palmer and Iva Hopkins. Two deceased brothers, one living brother. Graduated from Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Married to David E. Cornell for 52 years. Two daughters, Kathleen Nesselrotte (husband Jim and son Justin) and Karen Myler (husband Steve).

Have two dogs, one egg-laying bird, and fish. Love to read, crochet, research family histories, and watch movies and reality shows.

Legal secretary, retired from Workers' Compensation, State of Arkansas in 2001.