nikisawyers on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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looking 4 McDevott, WAGMAN OR KELLY families from philadelphia

My grandmothers mothers name was francis elizabeth McDevott. francis's fathers Name was john McDevott. francis's mothers name was elizabeth kelly. elizabeth and john had 3 kids....francis, margaret and marie......if anyone knows anything about francis or mother elizabeth kelly or father john McDevott, please let me know. francis was born in philadelphia p.a. and then married warren edward wagman jr. in early 1900's They had 6 children carolyn, constance,margaret, nancy, robin and warren jr.

anyone related to (princess) Grace Kelly of monaco... originally from philadelphia p.a.????

Grace kelly was orignally from phila, but went on to mArry a prince from france. my great grandma is a maiden name Kelly.

8 comment(s), latest 10 years, 10 months ago

looking 4 anyone who knows relatives of brothers Ralph joseph & Victor spencer Barnes, two brothers whos parents died approx 1925-1929

My name is niki. my grandfathers name was Ralph joseph Barnes. He had a brother named victor spencer barnes. Their parents died when ralph was about 2-4 years old. ralph then was placed in foster care and lived with many different families. i believe they Were from the philadelphia area. i will try to get more info to post

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 4 months ago

looking 4 anyone who knows relatives of brothers Ralph joseph & Victor spencer Barnes, two brothers whos parents died approx 1925-1929

My name is niki. my grandfathers name was Ralph joseph Barnes. He had a brother named victor spencer barnes. Their parents died when ralph was about 2-4 years old. ralph then was placed in foster care and lived with many different families. i believe they Were from the philadelphia area. i will try to get more info to post

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 9 months ago