oatkamac on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

oatkamac on Family Tree Circles

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Looking for information on the family of Archibald Campbell born in Glenlyon, Perthshire, Scotland on or about 16th of November 1779. He was the son of Donald.
He came to Glenlyon from Argylshire. On the death of his father at 2years his mother brought the family to Peter Campbell fo Roroyare.
At 18 years of age he left the home of his youth and came to America. He sailed on the 19th of March from Grennock on the ship: The Amsterdam Packet.
Looking for information on his family in Scotland.

Thanks for the help;
Thomas McIntyre

Caledonia Highlanders is searching for McColl surnames in New York S...

Caledonia Highlanders is searching for McColl surnames in New York State.

Caledonia Highlanders are searching for McMartin surnames in New Yo...

Caledonia Highlanders are searching for McMartin surnames in New York State.

Searching for MacDonald, McDonald surnames for Caledonia Highlanders

Searching for MacDonald, McDonald surnames for Caledonia Highlanders

Serching Cameron Familes in New York State and their decendents.

Serching Cameron Familes in New York State and their decendents.

1 comment(s), latest 17 years, 11 months ago

Searching Carmichaels from New York State and their decendents.

Searching Carmichaels from New York State and their decendents.

2 comment(s), latest 17 years ago

Searching McIntyre's from New York State and their Decendents

Searching McIntyre's from New York State and their Decendents

Researching McVeans from New York State and their decendents.

Researching McVeans from New York State and their decendents.

Looking for McNaughton's of New York State and their decendents.

Looking for McNaughton's of New York State and their decendents.