pennysampson on FamilyTreeCircles - about

pennysampson on Family Tree Circles

About pennysampson

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by pennysampson Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

pennysampson , from Oregon, USA, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Dec 2009. is researching the following names: HOBSON, COLEAUS, NORTON and 7 other(s).


Started doing my family tree because I could never find any info on my father. My mother's side was much easier. Now my tree is so lopsided that it is about ready to fall
I subscribe to and am enjoying my research. Too bad about my father's side. I keep looking, but to no avail. I had hoped that I would find him so that I could meet him and get to know him, just tell him that I love him. Maybe someday. I know that he is getting old and I may not have much time left to find him.