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suzannah on Family Tree Circles

About suzannah

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by suzannah Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

suzannah , from b. Indiana, currently live in Utah, has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2011. is researching the following names: POOL, GOFF, ANSPAUGH and 9 other(s).


Been doing family research since the age of 14. Currently a Speech-Language Pathologist with a Nursing background. Interests include archaeology, anthropology, genetics, art history, musical voice performance, ancient scripture, biological and earth sciences. Love to read and learn. Have a large family and love it. Have lived many places in the states. Love to cook. Have been a caterer. Specialty areas are bread and chocolate. Like to play the piano and explore other instruments. Have been a voice soloist and a member of specialty choirs. Collector of antiques. Love to learn about how others lived; their hopes, dreams, struggles and triumphs. Learning much through researching family lines and hope to solve some mysteries!