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Over 40 Years of Searching For Members of the Reason Bell family of South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama

Our Reason Bell was born about 1817, supposedly, in South Carolina. He married Louisa. We aren't for certain of her maiden name but it's been reported that her name was Donovan, Donnelly or Donaldson. There is no proof or documentation to verify any last name for her. At some point, Reason moved to Gilmer County, Georgia, where he and Louisa had Mary A., born 1838, Martha, b, 1940, Nettie, b, 1842, Julia Ann, b, 1844, John T, born 1848 and James David, born 1853. We suspect another child was born between 1848 and 1853. All of these children were born in Georgia, probably around Gilmer County, but we have not been able to find any birth records.
This family is found in the 1850 Gilmer County Georgia Census. By 1860, the entire family has moved to Cherokee County, Alabama. They are still located in Cherokee County in 1866. By 1870, Reason can't be found and the rest of the family members are located in Calhoun County, Alabama.
We are desperately seeking help in finding records of any kind for Reason Bell PRIOR to 1850, specifically, names of his siblings and parents in an effort to find his actual birth place. We are also searching for verification of Louisa's maiden name and family information.
After 40 years of research our brick walls continue to loom above us providing no clues to this family prior to the 1850 Gilmer County Georgia Census.
Any help in locating any information is appreciated.
You can email us direct at lesliewhooper@suddenlink.net if you can help us.
Our sincere appreciation to you in advance for your help.

1 comment(s), latest 15 years, 1 month ago