whitmore101 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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trying to locate the whitmore place in cherryville missouri was considered a truck farm. would like to know exactly where it was located and if any of the buildings or house still stands. interested to know who owns the land now last heard that my gg grandfather's ex wife mary frances yarbrough and her 2nd husband think last name byrant had it interesting that my gg grandfather lived on the property as well. it had to be close to the merrimac river as my mom remembers going fishing with her grandmother Mary and her dad John Henry Whitmore. also looking for info on my g uncle frank whitmore all i know is he worked in the bakery dept of a kroger store in st louis mo. wish sometimes i could go back in time for a day just to see or visit places that i have only heard of and know what the personalities of family members were like. anyone have a time machine???

looking for any information on whitmores of se missouri

Have been working trying everything to find out who my ggg grandfather Hiram John Whitmores parents were. His death record does not list a mother's name and all it says for his father born in ireland. It also states Hiram was born nov. 1824 in providence rhode island but i keep coming up with nothing. He served in the civil war from 1862-1865 in the Ill. infantry 117th division and find a little information of him when he's living in missouri in 1882 as he married sarah catherine hulsey {she was the widow of Thomas Jackson of ky.} It also states that they sometimes went by John and Sally not sure why. Also still looking for native american ancestors especially one who married a whitmore could be Osage or Cherokee. I have tried everything possible through the various sources to find my answers and still come up empty. If anyone knows what i should do next please let me know. These two questions have stalled my work. Thanks to you who answer me and to those just read this. not sure how my whitmore line fits into being related to sir john whitmore and the whytemores of England.

looking for whitmores of se missouri

I have been working on my family tree on my mothers side which are the Whitmores of se missouri. my grandfather was John henry whitmore and his father was joseph whitmore and his father was Hiram whitmore. have been told we have some native american ancestry but unable to find out any information happened during the civil war era and supposedly she married an officer. I have lots of information on the Whitmores of se missouri which I can share if anyone is interested. my ggrandfather Joseph Whtimore was married to mary frances yarbrough amd John henry whitmore was married to Marie isabelle clark. now my gggrandfather Hiram John Whitmore was married to sarah catherine hulsey and they had Joseph whitmore b 1885 and daughter lucy ellen b1883 in washington county missouri. lucy ellen married albert farrow and lucy had a daughter named effie who married someone with last name of fnu. Have been trying to find out more but am stuck at hiram john whitmore's parents his father is listed as being from ireland but that is all i know also the whitmores had a truck farm in or around cherryville missouri and would really like to know exactly where also there is a relative barbara mayes (sp?) who was a social worker who lived in or around St louis mo. would like to get in touch with her to get copies of family pictures especially the native american ancestor. she moved from st louis but do not know where or how to get in touch with her. I love researching this line but have a few gaps to fill in.

3 comment(s), latest 12 years, 1 month ago

would like to find the native american married to a whitmore in or around the civil war family is from se missouri have tried without success supposedly she married a civil war officer told to me by my grandmother marie whitmore of st. louis 220959 members have posted 66371 journals.

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