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Looking for W. A Barr of Missouri and Mississippi

My grandmother's name was Emma Dennis Barr and her Father was W. A. Barr, born in Missouri on 6 July 1847. W.A. moved to Lexington, MS at some point and Emma was born there on 20 October 1884. Emma married Walter H. Moore (1873-1950), my grandfather and my namesake.

I believe that W.A.'s father was Hezakia Granfield Barr (Born 2 September 1803), but can not confirm that, no matter how hard I search.

The Barr family in Lexington had a general store and later a car dealership (so I heard). If anyone who is researching the Barr could help, I would really appreciate it.

Walter H. Moore II
Booneville, MS

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 4 months ago

Looking for James A. MOORE

I am Walter Moore, Booneville, MS. Searching for the mother and father of my gg grandfather James A. MOORE (14 Feb 1806 - 3 Jan 1881). James' son Josephus (Jan 1845 - May 1925), my g grandfather is buried in Acona, MS - was married to Mary Elizabeth Herbert (3 Jan 1849 - 5 Nov 1896).

I grew up in Lexington, MS. My father was Walter Erwin Moore and mother was Inez Phillips. Have other info available. Can be reached at wdorthey@bellsouth.net

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 4 months ago