wiggles2 on FamilyTreeCircles - about

wiggles2 on Family Tree Circles

About wiggles2

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by wiggles2 Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

wiggles2 , from Brisbane, Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2010. is researching the following names: STEIGER, DREISDRIES, DRIES and 19 other(s).


I am married - for 42 yrs - and we have 4 chn and 3 g/chn. We run a business and I work from home running the office - a bit of a drag sometimes. I have recently discovered that I have a number of siblings from Dad's previous marriage. I knew I got my 'bad ways' from some where!!! (bit strange as I thought that I was the only one). It will be interesting to see where this goes.

My hobbies are reading, carvaning, travelling, sleeping and now of course researching family. It is a very time comsuming hobby.

Catch you later,

Wiggles2 (incase you are wondering I got this nick-name as a child).