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wildkatskitty on Family Tree Circles

About wildkatskitty

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by wildkatskitty Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

wildkatskitty , from Illinois, USA, has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2009. is researching the following names: SHAW, SWANK, REYNOLDS and 8 other(s).


I am a mother of 2 boys and happily married. I love reading, walking, camping and most importantly spending time with my family.

I just recently started researching my family tree and have found a few spots where I have gotten stuck looking for someone, but then who doesn't?...lol; The families that i am researching are as follows: my moms side is Reynolds/Dyer, they have Benedict's and Clary's; my dads side is Anderson/Swank and they have Tyler and Winship families. My husbands side of things is Shaw/McLeese and they consist of Sherwood's and Woener's and Gilkinson's. One part of my family I was able to trace back to William the Conqueror and Robert I the King of France. That just goes to show you what interesting facts you can find when researching your family history.

Well enough for now, I am off to go hunting again for ancestors. Happy Hunting for you long lost realtives!