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Looking for Rayner, of London, Greenaways of Australia, von Branders of Germany

The only story i know about my ancestors : first of all my grandfather was Cecil Rodney Rayner born 26/07/1919 he married Noel Greenaway born 24/12/1919, his father fled to South Africa as a young man i am told a dule took place in London surrounding area and he killed his opponent he was then in secret told he will be arrested the following morning and must get away immediately, this must of happend in the 18 th century he fled by hiding in the bottom level of a boat leaving for South Africa, he changed his surname partly by manner of spelling Rayner differently, it would be very interresting to find out if any one has any background knowledge on this history i do know he married Anna von Branders who's family was German , i would very much like to get more info if possible and contact with anyone of the family's i think this is a difficult one to solve ???

Looking for Rayner, of London, Greenaways of Australia, von Branders of Germany

The only story i know about my ancestors : first of all my grandfather was Cecil Rodney Rayner born 26/07/1919 he married Noel Greenaway born 24/12/1919, his father fled to South Africa as a young man i am told a dule took place in London surrounding area and he killed his opponent he was then in secret told he will be arrested the following morning and must get away immediately, this must of happend in the 18 th century he fled by hiding in the bottom level of a boat leaving for South Africa, he changed his surname partly by manner of spelling Rayner differently, it would be very interresting to find out if any one has any background knowledge on this history i do know he married Anna von Branders who's family was German , i would very much like to get more info if possible and contact with anyone of the family's i think this is a difficult one to solve ???

My name Carole Ann Rayner My mother is Phyllis Ann RaynerHer Father was.

My name Carole Ann Rayner
My mother is Phyllis Ann Rayner
Her Father was Cecil Rodney Rayner married to Noel Greenaway
His father was Cecil Udy Rayner married to Anna vonBranders