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I am looking for information on my grandmother, Elizabeth Maass. Date of Birth 1894

Elizabeth's Father Albert R Mass. (DOB1865 Stettin, Pomerania, Prussia). Her mother Ida M Maass. One of her sisters Hattie Hiteshew, other siblings Clara, Margarete and Arnhold.
Elizabeth Maass and Jacob Henry Wilson DOB 1884 were my father's parents. They didn't marry. My father, also Jacob Henry Wilson DOB 1914, immigrated to Australia after WWII and lost touch with his mother.

Elizabeth married Sargent J Tate and had several other children, John, Catherine, Leo, James.
I have never seen a photo of my grandmother, and would dearly like to know more information about her.
Last known address, 1907 Collington Ave, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. She was that time.

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