PatAllen on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Looking for Allen country of emigration to Virginia

I am thinking that the father of my James Allen, born 1772 Virginia, was another James Allen, also born Virginia 1733. Am trying to find out what country they came from - Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England?
My male cousin has done a couple DNA tests, but so far the most we know is that he is 1% German!
I realize that the Allen line could from from any of those countries and that there aren't too many records from that time period to show much if I could be sure of even what name to look for.
Any Ideas? I am going to the Richmond Genealogy conference in May and plan to take my Virginia Military District land papers to the library to see if they can shed any light on who it was who fought in the Revolution. I'd like to get the Allens back across the ocean.
I appreciate any ideas.

1 comment(s), latest 4 years, 6 months ago