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Looking for info. on Wayne Wallace Ward Tipton In. 1893 .

We are looking for any info. on my ggf. Wayne Wallace Ward. He was born in Tipton In. Aug.7,1893, married my ggm. Dollie Della Dukes May 1,1918 in Cascade Id.. And that his mother was Florence Lohr from Virgina and his father was from Kentucky ..I found that info in the 1910 census and that they lived in the house hold of Robert J. Cole in Long Springs Banner Nebraska at the time .. Her brother or sisters name was Eliza L.Lohr . And my ggrand father had a brother named Clinton Ward .. I'v got most of my ggm. tree. I'v looked through alot of Ward tree's in In. and could find nothing. If there is any one out there who could help please do. Thank you so much..

2 comment(s), latest 12 years, 5 months ago

Lokking for info on my g.grand father.

My great grand father Wayne Wallace Ward was born Aug 7,1893 in Tiptin In. I have been looking all over the net and finding nothing.I would like to know who his parent are and if he had any brothers n sisters. And if we have any other family out there. Thank you for any help ..