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Maria KELLYand Patrick DUFF

Patrick DUFF(c1815-1886) lost his first wife (maybe when she gave birth to their daughter Kate in 1850) and he married again, to Maria KELLY(KIELY) (1838-1874). They had children Amy (1870-1891), Agnes Mary (1866-1943) and James Charles (1863-1874). Patrick was a sergeant in the army pensions office and lived with his wife and family at Castle Barracks, King John's Castle, in the city of Limerick, Ireland. He retired as Barracks Master sometime around 1878 and he and his family went to live in Garryowen, a nearby suburb. Any information on the DUFF and KELLY family is most welcome, particularly any news on siblings.

Amy married Jack PIGOTT in 1890 and died a year later - in childbirth?
Agnes married Francis FAHY (1854-1935) in 1891, and James Charles married Maud SQUANCE (1875-1952) in 1894.

James Charles had two sons. James Albert Vincent (1895- ? ) married Rita BERNHEIM in 1927 and Terence Edward (1907-1976) married Margaret Helen MURISON (1912-1995) in 1935.

1 comment(s), latest 10 years, 6 months ago

The MURISON - GARROW Connection.

James GARROW (1797-1859) married Margaret BOOTH (1797-1824) in 1822. Their daughter Isabella (1824-1896) married James MURISON (1833-1908) in 1857, becoming his second wife. Another daughter, Margaret (1834-1897), married James's brother Francis (1837-1907) in 1861. James and Isabella left Banffshire for Canada in 1872 and settled in Elgin County, Ontario.

James GARROW had a son William (1822-1894) who married Jane KEITH in 1847. They had a son, James (1848-1930) who married Isabella MURISON (1852-1933) in 1872. Isabella was a daughter of James MURISON (1833-1908) and his first wife Jane EWAN (EWIN).

William GARROW and Jane KEITH had another son George (1864- ? ) who married Maggie B(ooth) MURISON (1862-1936). She was the daughter of James MURISON and his second wife Isabella GARROW. George and Maggie ended up in Ontario.

The RANKIN - MURISON Connection.

Francis MURISON (1723-1801) married Elspet WOOD (1725-1801) and had children James (1757-1841), Ann (1760- ? ), Margaret (1755-1820), Elspet (1756- ? ) and Mary (1764-1801). Margaret married George RANKIN in 1793 and Mary married James RANKIN. Can anyone add to this?

MURISON Family of Gamrie, Scotland to Elgin County, Ontario, Canada

My mother is a MURISON from a line that originated in Banffshire and the parishes of Gamrie and Alvah. Many of our line stayed in the area for up to 200 years. My mother can trace her forebears directly to John Morison/Murison (c1695-c1760), a crofter on the lands of Alexander Garden, Laird of Troup. I have a fairly detailed family tree of our Murison line, which includes a line of the GARROW family from Dufftown.

In 1872, a branch of our Murisons emigrated and landed in Elgin County, Ontario, Canada and farmed just outside St. Thomas. The Garrows were also involved in this emigration and both families were well represented in Elgin County for almost 100 years. A splinter group, James and Susa Murison, ended up in Winnipeg and another, led by Dr. James Murison, ended up in Powell River, B.C.

MURISON family historians may be interested in going online to the National Archives of Scotland and researching the Murison Papers under file GD1/808/1-9. The trials and tribulations of "everyday country folk" in North-East Scotland during the 18th and 19th centuries are well described first-hand by early Murisons.

If anyone can connect with these families, I would be pleased to hear from them.

Chris Duff

Looking for my IRISH DUFF forbears in Limerick

I am unable to get any further back than my great-grandfather Patrick Duff (c1825-86). He was an army man and in the 1860s a sergeant-clerk at Castle Barracks, King John's Castle, Limerick. He was a Barrack Master by the time he retired with his family to Garryowen, just outside Limerick.

He married twice. The name of his first wife is not known, but they had a daughter, Catherine (Kate), in 1850. His second wife was Maria Kelly (Kiely), whom he married c1862. They had children James Charles (1863-1928), Agnes Mary (1866-1943), and Amy (1870-91) who married Jack Pigott in 1890. It is suspected she died in childbirth.

The Duff name seems to have been uncommon in south-western Ireland, so it would be interesting to find out where they came from originally. Eldest daughter Kate went off to Lisdoonvarna with her friend Margaret Dowling to run a grocery/spirits/lodging house business in the 1890s. It's possible she came back to Limerick in 1891 when Amy died and Agnes married. She returned to Lisdoonvarna until 1908, when her friend Margaret died. She then went to live with her step-sister Agnes in London.

I wouldbe interested to hear anything, however insignificant, about Patrick Duff's family, siblings (if any) and where the family originated.