dreamcatcher1217 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Holloway Immigrants

I have been researching my family legacy off and on since the year 2000. I remember as a young girl going to family reunions visiting with family there and hearing rumours of how our family came to be. As a young girl I did not take those stories to heart until I became an adult and began wondering. As a young girl I do however remember a book that circulated our family reunion one time. The book was green, and very large, over 1000 pages. I searched for this book and found it. The books title was "Holloway's of the South" by Cj Stevens. This book is only lineage, and has became a "family bible" to me in my research.
I have learned the Holloway family came from England. It has been said the Holloway family was on the second ship to land at Jamestown Virginia.
It has also been mentioned there were seven Holloway brother's that came from England. When the brothers landed in the new world they explored the eastern sea coast leading to another book, one which I can't find "Holloway's of the Eastern Sea Shore".
I've traced the Holloway legacy back to George Holloway born 1530 in England but I can't find anything prior to that date. I do however know the word Holloway, has been spelled many different ways; Halloway, Hollaway, Haloway; making it difficult at times to trace.
The word "Holloway" comes from a place named "Holloway", a road " Hollow way", "Holy Way".
I simply find it fascinating learning about relatives that lived long long ago, the hardships they went through. So many died so young because of the hard life they had to endure but one thing stands out. They were seekers, they left England in search of something better, something new, and I am so glad they did.
My family stems from John Holloway of Cumberland County, Virginia born December 7, 1701 died 1757, married Hannah Spiers (born 1708 died 1780) in 1724 in Caroline County, Virginia.
I have posted alot of my genealogy on family tree. If this place allows I will try and post some of my lineage here also. I think the genealogy should be free access to anyone, I do not believe we should be charged for wanting to know more about our heritage. So until next time, take care and happy hunting.

4 comment(s), latest 10 years, 6 months ago