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Updated Family Tree Record for Captain John James Stanaway - AVAILABLE NOW

Fully updated and revised edition of
"Tides of Time - Captain John James Stanaway"

Now available as a beautiful hard bound 2.6kg volume to be treasured and handed down for generations to come.

Printed to order only, so you can have blank pages inserted in your section thereby keeping your own family updated.

Over 12 mths work has gone into updating this massive family record. 15,068 descendants in the book.

To order your copy please email me at with your connection to the family and I'll send you ordering details.


Captain John James Stanaway and his descendants to 2012

I now have available a revised version of the 1985 edition of "Tides of Time" Captain John James Stanaway"

This has been updated over the last 12 mths to include all descendants since the last printing and you can get a copy by contacting me at

Wendy Clarricoats
Descendant of J J Stanaway

John James Stanaway Family Tree Book

I am producing an electronic copy of the "Tides of Time. Captain JJ Stanaway" for anyone who is interested.

It's a time consuming process but hope to be finished within a month or so. It will be a very large file so will
be posted out on on a USB stick.

Having looked into the costs of reproducing the book as a hard copy it was going to come in at over $400 so this will be a cheaper option for people at $69.00 NZD plus postage

If anyone would like their info in the book updated please let me know. You may have new family members since it was first published in 1984 that need to be inputted. If you can please give lineage so I can find relevant chapter in the book (see below my signature)

Please email me if you'd like to go on the list to be notified when electronic copy is ready.
My email is

Wendy Clarricoats
(daughter of Phillipa Ceruti > Mary-Agnes Stanaway > Joseph Patrick Stanaway > Henare Joseph Stanaway > JJ Stanaway & wife #3 Henipapa.)


I have the book Tides of Time, John James Stanaway that was compiled by Merv Marinner and his wife in the early 80's.
At the time it was a soft cover book but absolutely huge so wasn't lasting very well.
I pulled mine apart and got copies done for each of my kids and had the hard cover bound. They now look awesome.
If anyone out there would like a copy please feel free to contact me and I'll start looking into what it will cost to get them printed.

I'm happy just to cover printing costs and postage to you. You will find that quite a bit unfortunately as the book weighs a ton and ends up the size of a rheam of copy paper and just as heavy.
I have added pages to it also,those that I've been aware of anyway.

The only people not in it will be those born after 1980 I think, apart from my additions.

Look forward to helping you all with your research.


16 comment(s), latest 12 years, 1 month ago