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William Henry Rogers of Kaeo, Whangaroa, New Zealand, Kaikohe and Maketu

William Henry Rogers, born approximately 1805, had 3 wives that we know of.

Williams 1st wife and family was with Peti Ngapapa who had 2 children to William. Firstly was Hannah Ngapera Rogers who married Riwhi Te Pahi. Then came William or Wiremu (aka Wire) who married Betty Boyle.

Research "suggests" that William was an American from Massachusetts but there are not really any definitive facts that support this assumption as far as we know! We do know that William was involved in entrepeneurial endeavors related to shipping.

We do know that he enjoyed associations with the Maori women of New Zealand and he has left several thousand descendants from this country and many living in different parts of the world in this year 2009.

He has been very elusive in terms of his history and researchers have suggested that his middle name of "Henry" is an assumed name. For one who has such a prominent family in New Zealand, it has been very difficult trying to piece together who this man really was as there is very little information of him in NZ resources. Help!

Looking for James Wilhelm Rudolph of Kaeo New Zealand

James Wilhelm Rudolph (presumed of German descent), married sisters 1st Te Korohu Patara and then Miriama Patara. James approximate birth year would have been 1808 arriving in New Zealand prior to 1831 and residing in Kaeo, Whangaroa, New Zealand.

There are thousands of descendants from James and these 2 sisters living around the world. It is not known where he is buried and his history is somewhat elusive. Rudolph and Rurawhe are one and the same family and the latter is merely a transliteration of English to the Maori language.

We have some information regarding him but from stories that have been passed on from family members, alot of it is speculation??

Any help would be much appreciated!

3 comment(s), latest 9 years, 10 months ago