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Looking for info. on Edgar Robert Bredin of Co. Cavan Ireland

I am looking for info on Edgar Robert Bredin - from Co. Cavan Ireland and his wife Caroline nee: Adams, who were married in Ireland in 1851,, and came to Oakville, Ontario about 1862, I am not sure of the exact time. I think they had six children one was John W.Bredin, the firstborn. He married Marguerite Scholefield on Dec.l7,1879,they had two children, Victor and Elsie. Elsie is the Grandmother of my husband.I am looking for info on Edgar-his father, Caroline-her family, their children, John, Charles, Harry,Ernest, Constance and Josephine. There is also a Rupert Allen Bredin, I don't know if he was a son of Edgar or if John was married before Marguerite Scholefield, and he is John's son. Josephine was married to a man by the surname of Pierce and they had one son Esmond Osmond Pierce who died in WW1, I would like info on this Pierce who married Josephine. I would also like info on Victor - son of John and Marguerite - bro to Elsie. He was born in Oakville Ontario and Married Margarette Young in the Edrans Manitoba area. Edrans was the place where John Bredin settled about 1900 after his wife Marguerite died in Oakville. John also married a Minnie Nicholson of Hamilton Ontario, they both are buried at Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. I would like info on Minnie Nicholson. Any info on any of the above would be greatly appreciated.

2 comment(s), latest 1 year, 6 months ago

Looking for info on Samuel Meneer of Manitoba

I am looking for any info on Samuel Meneer who came to North America about 1874 to Honesdale, Pennsylvania, as a painter. He came with fellow by the name of Burns. Burns was in a fall in an accident and died shortly after his wife Eliza and family joined him in Honesdale. A couple of years after the accident she married Samuel Meneer and they moved to Bayfield Ontario and then to Carberry, Manitoba. I am looking for Samuel's ancestors in Egloshale or Falmouth England. Thanks.