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Looking for the father of Katherine Morris of Washington or Allegany County, Pennsylvania

Katherine was the great-grandmother of my daughter Vici. She has a typewritten letter, unsigned, unfortunately, addressed to John Paul Grace, Vici's grandfather and the second son of Katherine and Joseph Grace.

The letter states that John is the great-grandson of Capt Benjamin Franklin Morris, of Fredericktown, Washington County Pennsylvania, and, in 1880, of East Bethlehem, Washington, Pennsylvania, and through him a descendant of Robert Morris, signer of the Declaration of Independence.

In pencil on the back of the letter is written "Franklin L. Morris, May 17, 1851" and "Kentucky, Barren County, Feb 14, 1825."

Benjamin Morris and his wife, Sarah J. Miller, of Louisville, Kentucky, had three sons, Jesse, Franklin, and Samuel, anyone of which could be Katherine's father. BUT, any record of her birth or reference in a census has, so far, eluded me. Katherine Morris Grace died in Lake Worth, Florida, in 1965.

I'm trying to establish Katherine's connection to Robert Morris, so that Vici may seek membership in the DAR. While a loyal Canadian, Vici is proud of her American roots.

If any of these names and places strike a bell, please let me know. All direction and help is welcome. Art

2 comment(s), latest 6 years, 6 months ago

Where can I find birth, marriage, and death records for Pennsylvania

2 comment(s), latest 12 years, 10 months ago