mellomax on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

mellomax on Family Tree Circles

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Tests Tests and more Tests DNA of course

I have had several tests carried out, Y-DNA was the first one to
25 markers, then increased to 37 markers and final markers tested to
67 markers. I have also had a mtChondrial test, yes men can have those done also. I then had a Family Finder Test carried out,
both men and ladies can have this test. I have several other family names who have a similar Y-DNA to me, which means I and the other person have a Common Ancestor or ancestor's some dating back
25 generations. The Family Finder test, which can determin up to
6th distant cousins, is a fairly new way of finding your relations.

I have some 50 cousins according to Family Finder from Family Tree DNA. com. Now the fun starts finding out just how we are
related. I have proved only two so far, back to my mothers side
in the early 1800s. It is just another tool to use in this difficult path of genealogy. But gratifying.

Good luck with your research.