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Looking for Charles Harmer of London, later Wairoa New Zealand

I ahev only recently been curious about my grandfather's family and where they came from. I've discovered his father was Charles, HARMER late of London. Sadly, anything prior to his arriving in New Zealand is unknown.
His surviving granddaughter, Amy Findlay SCIASCIA, is keen to learn about her grandfather as her father, Arthur James HARMER, was reluctant to discuss his family so she knows virtually nothing.
I am hoping that we will be able to fill in numerous gaps as to why he came here.

8 comment(s), latest 1 year, 10 months ago

Charles Harmer

This is my first effort in this arena of research. I am trying to find information about Charles HARMER, born 1837 in London, England. No-one in my family knows much about this man at all. I'm keen to find out why he came to NZ and settled in Wairoa, Hawkes Bay. My only knowledge of him is, he was a widower when he married my Gt. Grandmother, Mary LEWIS, in 1875. They had 3 sons and 6 daughters. One of the sons was my paternal grandfather, Arthur James, born 27 November, 1880.
There is only one surviving child of Arthur James and she knows very little as it seems my grandfather was not keen discussing his siblings or his parents. As a result she knows very little and is consequently very keen to learn as much as she can before she gets much older.
I'm hoping someone may be able to shed some light on this man both prior to him coming to NZ and a little about his first wife. His occupation on my grandfather's birth certificate shows he was a storekeeper while his marriage certificate shows him to be a Licensed Victualler, which I assume, is a proprietor of a pub!
Thank you to anyone who may be able to help me as I start this huge undertaking for my Aunty and myself and my own family.

4 comment(s), latest 12 years, 2 months ago