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I am researching for my childrens father's side of the family, their grandmother asked me to see what I could find. My children are Atchley, I had 4 sons. Their grandfather Truman Lionel Atchley died before their father and I ever married. His father's name was Green Atchley and I am unable to find anything on him at all.

Their father's mother is Thelma Lee Brown and her mother Margarett Reneman and her father's name was Millard Woodroe Brown.

Her grandmother (Margaret's mother)was Matilda Gross Reneman born in Germany and came to America around 1895 I think. Miltilda's husband's name was Ernest Reneman (Thelma's Grandfather. I was told Mitilda had a sister named Freida that came over here for a short period of time but returned to Germany because their mother was sick.

Ernest and Mitilda I was told had two small sons they came over here with by the name of John and (Dan) or Daniel. Ernest came first with the two boys and Matilda came later.Ernest was born around 1876 and Mitilda around 1875. Their birthdays were just afew days apart. In Germany their name may have been Von Reneman or her family Von Falkenberg? I really am not sure. Thelma does not remember much.

Over the years they live anywhere from New York, Pennsyvania, Kentucky, and maybe around Boston, MA. and died in Alabama.

4 comment(s), latest 10 months, 3 weeks ago