rcraftlady on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Looking for info on James Larder born in England in ~ 1861, emigrated to US, lived in Lackawanna, PA late 18-early 1900s, maybe married to Margret Wood, with whom he had a son John Larder, here is the second gap he seems to have married Selena Cooper

sometime in 1900, after census and before birth of his daughter Emily Elizabeth Larder in Dec 1900. Moved to Alberta, Canada before 1911 Alberta census. Farmed in Alberta, Canada and shows up on 1916 census with wife Selena (Cooper) and children Emily Elizabeth (1900), Al, Francis and Margaret. His family is in same area in 1911 census for Alberta, with a spelling error in Larder. Moved to and lived in Calgary, Canada in 1922 and passed away in Calgary around 1938.

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 3 months ago

What is the best method of gathering genealogy info regarding family members who lived in Alberta, Canada? I can find virtually nothing about my family. They migrated from England to Pennsylvania and then Alberta, Canada. 220959 members have posted 66371 journals.

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