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Cullen|Collin of Nova Scotia,Canada

Searching Thomas Collins|Cullen whom I believe arrived in N.S. from Ireland,possibly with his family in the mid-1800's. Think they lived in Guysborough County fo many years. Help greatly appreciated!

Looking for Garretts of Nova Scotia

Elizabeth Garrett was married to Thomas Collins in Nova Scotia. They had a daughter,my great grandmother,Sarah Ann Collins ,who was born in Popes Harbour N.S in 1837.She married James Edward DeBay.She died in 1907 in N.S.I am trying to locate Elizabeth and Thomas.

Looking for Collins of Nova Scotia Canada

Am searching for my g.grandmother Sarah Ann Collins(1837-1907) ,daughter of Elizabeth Garrett and Thomas Collins. She married a James Porper and had a son James by him . He died and she married my g.grandfather James Edward DeBay in Dartmouth N.S. on May 02,1869.They had 6 children,one of whom was my grandfather William Donald Gregory DeBay.Have no other info on the Collins or Garrets than that except to think they all lived around Popes Harbour N.S. since that is where Collins and Garrets were living when my g.grandparents were born.

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