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Daniel O'Canny died Westmoreland co, VA, USA Jan 1715/16

He married Elizabeth Sara English d/o Walter English, had two daughters.
Daughter Sara married 1st Osman Crabb May 5 1698, Westmoreland Co, VA.
Other daughter Elizabeth married Thomas Sorrell abt 1700, same place.
Neighbors found so far of Daniel O'Canny were Rice Williams, John Wright, the Blacksmith, Thomas Newton, Henry Wetherton, Orlando Payne, Willoughby Allerton, Henry Lee, William Clark, John Footman.

Other spellings encountered: Ockanney, Ocany, Occany, O'Cahane (tribe in Northern Ireland), O'Cane, O'Kane.

Does anyone have any more data on this O'Canny family?