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wouldbe on Family Tree Circles

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Looking for the CRABTREE line in KY.

I have found the CRABTREE diffcult to trace. One reason is a lack of infomation. I know that two of mother's sisters married CRABTREE's that came from a different line than Dad. I was never close to my Mother's side so I have a lot of cousins that I don't their names.
My two uncle's went by their initals whitch was R.A., and H. C.

Looking forEIRION line of Kentucky.

Minnie EIRION was my peternal gm. I would like to trace her
family line as far as I can. She was married to James Albert CRABTREE
on I think 6 Jul 1898. She was born in 1884 and died in 1917
in West Louisville, Daviess, KY

Thank you


My grandfather got me interested in this stuff. I found my Father's birth certificate and of course it listed his father and mother. I was surprised to find that my grandfather had been born in Hawaii, not in West Louisville, KY like the rest of the CRABTREEs

His Mother's name was Minnie EIRION and not Minnie ERVIN
as everyone told me. My Grandfather was James Albert CRABTREE,
B. 2 Sep, 1882 and passed in 1955. Minnie was born in 1885 and
passed in 1917.

So far I have located nothing on Minnie but have traced James Albert back to the 1300's. Of course, that's not saying all is correct.


Looking to get as complete family as I am able. I Spent a two week trial period on Ancestor.com finding as much as I could.
I came up with 1400+ people that may be related to me. so
I will now work on their legitimacy.

4 comment(s), latest 14 years, 5 months ago