52 Weeks of Blogging Abundance: Week 33
This past week, I had a phone conversation with <a href="http://www.familytreecircles.com/u/tmacentee/">Thomas Macentee</a>, a professional genealogist, speaker, and otherwise a really great guy from Chicago, Ill. Thomas runs the excellent website and service, Geneabloggers.com, which is a network of over 2000 Genealogy blogs. (I'm a member with my own <a href="http://jangro.familytreecircles.com">genealogy blog</a> here on FamilyTreeCircles.)
I contacted Thomas to see how we might work together to help foster the growth of more genealogy bloggers.
The first thing we came up with is that Thomas was kind enough to allow me to use the 52 Weeks of Blogging Abundance genealogy blogging prompts. Every week there is a new topic to act as inspiration for a blog post, or to simply think about and reflect on in your own genealogy research.
As FamilyTreeCircles is essentially a blogging platform (which is just a place to write online), I thought it would be fun for people to use these weekly prompts here on FamilyTreeCircles.
52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy created by <a href="http://wetree.blogspot.com/">Amy Coffin</a> is a series of weekly blogging prompts courtesy of <a href="http://www.geneabloggers.com">GeneaBloggers</a> for genealogists and others to discuss resources in the genealogy community including websites, applications, libraries, archives, genealogical societies and more.
We're more than halfway through 2012, and we'll be starting on week 33. But that's ok. There isn't really a sequence here, just a new idea every week.
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<b>Week 33: Ancestor Legend</b>. What is your favorite ancestral legend or family lore? Who originally told the story and what was the claim? Have you been able to prove the story true or false? What steps did you take to do so?
Just <a href="http://www.familytreecircles.com/ejournal.php">open up a new journal</a> and write about whatever comes to mind related to this week's questions.
I'll be posting these blogging prompts here each weekend for the upcoming week. I'll also be including these in the weekly newsletter. If you'd like to get these prompts in your email along with other newsletter info, make sure you're signed up for the <a href="http://www.familytreecircles.com/inner-circle.php">FamilyTreeCircles newsletter</a>.
on 2012-08-11 10:15:50
Scott Jangro is the owner of FamilyTreeCircles.com and has documented roots back to Mayflower passengers Stephen Hopkins and William Brewster. If you're wondering what he's doing when he's mysteriously absent, here's some links to other stuff he's responsible for: about.me/jangro.
Here's the first of the Ancestor Legend posts.
my ANCESTOR LEGEND by ngairedith
Wonderful story.
Leary Family Ancestoral Legend by llearyeitniear
...so the cow remains the primary suspect.
Well here's my True Legend don't know if it qualifies, since it's not about one of my ancestors. Perhaps my grandchildren will one day call it an ancestral legend.