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Can you help get me started on my search please

Journal by aileencampbell

Rerden of Maldon, Vict

Surnames: NONE
Viewed: 1774 times
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by aileencampbell Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2013-11-01 08:59:56

aileencampbell has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2013.

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by noggin on 2013-11-01 12:48:02

you need to provide more data for someone to help.

Christain names DOB, spouse, siblings etc

by tonkin on 2013-11-02 02:43:21

Welcome aileencampbell.

I've been searching the records all day and have put a journal together for Oscar RERDEN and Elizabeth OPIE married in 1899. If this is not the family you seek let me know and I will try again.


by ngairedith on 2013-11-02 02:57:38

good researching Tonkin, I'll add it here so easy to find later
Oscar RERDEN married Elizabeth OPIE

also a list of other queries by aileencampbell

by aileencampbell on 2013-11-02 06:59:56

Thank you so much. Yes Oscar and Elizabeth Retdn are my Grandparents. Any thing else you can tell me? Such as their address and lives in Maldon etc but especially any family history. I will be indebted for ever. Regards Aileen

by aileencampbell on 2013-11-02 07:09:22

Can you please help - there s a Rerden child missing???? At the end of the journal what does the Dingle journal men please?
Regards Aileen

by ngairedith on 2013-11-03 01:05:56

another Rerden Journal for you from tonkin

by tonkin on 2013-11-03 04:43:40

RERDEN child missing ...

If you have the name and birth year of the missing child I will do another search.
The birth may have been recorded under a different spelling than RERDEN.

by tonkin on 2013-11-03 04:55:51

Sorry but I'm not sure what you mean by
At the end of the journal what does the Dingle journal men please?

by aileencampbell on 2013-11-03 05:31:18

The missing child DOB 12-9-1921.
What connection is Dingle to us pls.

by aileencampbell on 2013-11-03 05:38:37

Oscar and Elizabeth lived in Maldon but I do not have an a address.

user steve74 deactivated
by aileencampbell on 2013-11-08 04:15:05

Thank you so much this is wonderful. Do you have any info on the family house and the address? Also any luck with the missing child's history yet pls? Aileen

by aileencampbell on 2014-01-22 05:15:57

By steve74 ... Says user deactivated. What does this mean?
Any news on the Rerden address in Maldon please? I would
Love to visit the site.

by ngairedith on 2014-01-22 05:21:55

hello Aileen,
a user is deactivated when they say anything inappropriate to this site

by aileencampbell on 2014-01-22 05:37:23

Thank you. Promise not to do that...

by Morgan2409 on 2014-01-23 13:09:25

ngarith can say what she likes,
People can be be deactivated due to failing a cookie test available by most antivirus software

by aileencampbell on 2014-01-30 22:59:26

They are sad people!! Not interested in nasties!
All I want to do is find out about my Rerden Family when they lived in Maldon, Vic. Before they went to Coburg, Zvic

by janilye on 2014-01-31 02:58:13

Look at THIS Picture . See McArthur's that was the home of the baker; look next door at the cream weatherboard place with the people sitting out front. That is and was the bakehouse. Since Rerden and Co were bakers in Maldon and their address on the electoral roll is given as 'Main Street Maldon' I think this is where they lived. It is number 51 Main Street. I have asked the locals and they cannot recall any other bakery in Maldon. McArthur established it in 1854 (oddly enough he was a swordsmith when he arrived in Maldon.)
To be absolutely sure of this you would have to go through the rate books. But, my investigation says this is the only bakery operating in Maldon when Charles Rerden and Co. were there. Oscar Rerdon lived for a short time in Parkins Reef Road which goes all the way to Newstead and again you would need to see the rate books to know which number.

by janilye on 2014-01-31 03:07:24

Sorry Aileen I think that should be James Rerden and Co. Charles (the brother) drowned in the swollen Muckleford Creek when he was delivering bread for his brother and didn't know the route too well. You'll find the story in TROVE I remember correcting the text a few months ago.

by janilye on 2014-01-31 03:21:29
by aileencampbell on 2014-01-31 03:30:13

Managed to stop crying LNG enough to say the Biggest thank you. I feel so blessed with what I am reading.. Aileen

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