Descendants of Alexander Hamilton<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Descendants of Alexander Hamilton

Journal by AnLynn208

It is really exciting when you find out that you not only have a famous person in your tree, but is really thrilling when that famous person is a direct descendant. My mother's family is MEANS. Alexander Hamilton, 1st Secretary of Defense under George Washington (yes, the one who dueled it out with Aaron Burr) had a brother named James. They were both born on the Isle of Nevis, West Indies (part of England). James brought his family to the United States and raised three children that I know of: One being Margaret Hamilton who married William MEANS, who is a great grandfather of my mother. I also have found other famous people in my family tree, such as George W. Bush, Judy Garland, and Marlon Brando, which all are by marriage.

If any of you are related to the Means or Hamilton Families, I have information on both families that go way back to the early 9th century.

Please contact me through this website or visit to get a look at the family tree!

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by AnLynn208 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2008-06-14 12:47:35

AnLynn208 , from Clermont, Flordia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2008. is researching the following names: SWEANEY, MEANS, PIERCE and 31 other(s).

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by Domino on 2009-06-09 12:07:03

My mother,Willie Bell.Hamilton,her father,Amos Hamilton,was born in england to an english father,and a Colored-welsh mother.he,along with his parents,brothers Albert,Carey,Roy,and sister Alice,came to the US,but my mother wouldn't tell me what year,and now that she's dead(she died in 2001,january 6th under someone else's name,Willie Mae.Wright),I will never find out.She said her father,my grandfather,was related to Alexander Hamilton,the president.Please reply to

Domino Lennon.

by AnLynn208 on 2009-06-09 15:34:51

Well, Alexander Hamilton was actually the 1st Treasury Secretary of the U.S..he was never president. I am not certain about the Welsh heritage in the family, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me if it were true (since Thomas Jefferson also had children with a black slave.)
Haven't researched Hamilton's for awhile, but I do know they come from the Isle of Nevis (off of the coast of Great Britian). The name goes back as Hambleton. I am sure if you did some digging you would eventually find out something. Did you ever try a DNA test? I heard it was the best way to determine where your bloodlines have been.

by northpoint on 2009-10-04 08:53:07

Hello Anlynn, we bought our house in Maine in 1999 from the Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunkport, Maine. We were told that Alexander Hamilton, a direct descendant of the Treasury Secretary, left the house to the museum in his will. I was wondering if you have any information on him and where he might fit in on the family tree. We have the Warranty Deed from when he purchased the house in 1958. Thank you.

by Seilex on 2009-11-20 19:41:42

Hello, Anlynn. My grandmother's maiden name was Hamilton, and Alexander Hamilton was her father's great-great-great grandfather. My mom knows a little more about the family history than I do, but I do know my grandmother's father was Harry Worst Hamilton.

by dookie791 on 2010-02-16 16:10:36

Hello, Anlynn. My Great Great Grandma's maiden name was Hamilton. Or somewhere close to that. Ancestry trees haven't been working for me. Also, my family has linked the Morgan family with the Hamilton family. I am interested in finding out if this is true...

by AnLynn208 on 2010-02-16 16:40:03

How far have you tried census records, Dookie? I have found that also has many records that the other websites don't. Good luck with your family search.

by clikins on 2010-09-06 19:23:30

Although I have only heard of this anecdotally, some older now deceased relatives of mine were Hamiltons from Nevis, BWI. Other relatives from Nevis include Tyson and Huggins.

Any advice about looking deeper?


by dhmilt1 on 2010-09-30 18:22:49

I am a fifth great grandson of AH and I have been doing the Hamilton family tree for about 50 Years. I also participated in theHamilton-Burr reenactment in 2004.I feel very confident about what I know the Hamilton family tree. To the above: Domino - if your grandfather was born in England and his name was Amos, then he was not a descendent. AnLynn 208 - there are no welsh ancestors or descendents of AH and you can look at my DNA on the Hamilton Family DNA website. Northpoint - that Alexander was a gr-gr grandson of AH. Seilex - Harry Worst Hamilton could have been descended from an Alexander Hamilton, but not THE AH. Dookie791 - One of AH's gr-grandsons married the daughter of JP Morgan. Clikins - there were other Hamilton's on Nevis but I don't believe they were near relatives of AH

by wagnermd9 on 2010-10-10 21:51:35

Hi - My Great Great Greandmother is Antha Hamilton from Delaware County, New York.

According to "History of the Town of Roxbury" (originally published in 1953) by Irma Mae Griffin, "Although Col. (later Vice President) Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel, this fact did not interfere with several later marriages in the genealogy, and another was that of William Burr and Antha Hamilton (direct descendant of Alexander), whose daughter Jane married Harry L. Gregory and were the parents of Linden Gregory of Roxbury and his sisters here."

Linden Gregory was my grandfather. I'm having a difficult time making the connection between Antha Hamilton and Alexander Hamilton. Would anyone happen to have any documentation which could bridge this connection?


by cmcdaniel on 2011-01-20 22:00:41

Hi-THE Alexander Hamilton's son, Col. William Stephen Hamilton, came to southwest Wisconsin in the year abt. 1830 and started a settlement that he named Hamilton's Diggings. He is listed on the Michigan Territory 1830 census. On the same census a Jeimeson Hamilton is listed. He settled about 15 miles from there. This area is now called Darlington, WI. Does anyone know if William and Jeimeson were related? They both came here from Pennsylvania. No one knows who Jeimeson's parents are. My granddaughter is a descendent of his.

by asearcher on 2011-06-18 22:51:22

Does anyone have a connection for an Edith Rosanna Hamilton? my grandmother is 97 years old, from NY, and says she is related to THE A.H. but never knew how... has anyone found her in their research???


by srs78 on 2011-07-22 21:01:10

My grandmother's maiden name is Shirley Hamilton. I was always told that we were related to Alexander Hamilton but also didn't know how. Edith sounds familiar. They maybe sisters. I'll have to ask my mother. I would love to trace my family history but this is my first attempt.

by patchy2002 on 2011-10-23 20:14:21

alexander hamilton is related with me

by patchy2002 on 2011-10-23 20:21:48

alexander hamilton is related with me and he is my sixth great grandfather. i think it is the coolest thing in the world to have my great great great great great great grandfather on the ten dollar bill... its really weird to think about it that you have the tenth president and on a ten dollar bill and a very famous president in my bloodline. now i get to tell my teachers and get to do reports about him a ton of cool searching on the internet. ahhhhh the sweet internet that lets me know about my bloodline.

by smccaffrey on 2011-11-11 18:44:13

Has anyone heard of Maurice Hamilton, father of Mary Hamilton? Mary married William McGlasson in 1799. My mother was told she is related to Alexander Hamilton. If there is a connection, I'm guessing it would be through a male relative of Alexander Hamilton. I have had no luck finding uncles, cousins, etc.

by thehamilton4 on 2012-01-09 12:11:55

I am a new member as of 01-09-2012. My fathers name was Raymond Charles Hamilton, born on 6-15-1916. My mothers name was Irene Jablonski, born on 10-29-1919. My fathers father (my grandfather) was Ernest Oscar Hamilton I believe from Georga and his wife (my grandmother) was Audrey Cantrelle I believe from Oklahoma. My father had 5 siblings (4 brothers and 1 sister). Anyone come across these names that may help me????

by cdmurphy on 2012-04-11 00:32:18

I just became a member and I was always told by my mother we are decendents of Alexander Hamilton, My grandfathers name is James Perry Hamilton and all I know is that he was born in Tenness I think, December 10 1919, I dont have any more information then that and I do not know what his mother or fathers name is and that he ended up in AK. I was wondering if any one knew of Hamiltons that settle in the TN, area? any help with this would be apericated.

Thank you

Clarise Murphy

by greeneyesue on 2012-04-28 13:31:33

My great-grandmother was Minerva Ann Benson Hamilton. My Grandmother was Mira Hamilton Beavans ( wife of Lawrence Leroy Beavans.) My mother was Esther Evelyn Beavans Hill... born in 1920. Grandmother always said that they were related to Alexander Hamilton.When my grandmother Mira was a tiny girl they came from Kentucky by covered wagon. When they passed through a town one day she remembers a little girl saying " Look, Mommy! Gypsies!" Grandmother remembers Uncles in Kentucky named Mel and Ulysees. one was a wonderful violin player and was never without his violin. One day he asked Little Mira to keep his violin as he was going on a journey. He walked into the woods and was never seen again. Perhaps killed by Indians. My brother has the violin.. which has always had a rattlesnake tail in it.. and the word Stradivarious on the inside ( sp?) Anyway.. hope this info will be of interest to someone

by CoastieFam5 on 2012-05-14 14:38:47

Oh, please, please, please share with me! I have been told that I am a 7th great grandchild of Alexander Hamilton, and I just want to try to verify this. My grandmother, Barbara Hamilton married Eugene Head (now deceased). Before divorcing, they had six children, the oldest of which is my mother, Patricia. What I find so neat about the possibility is that Alexander Hamilton was the founder the US Coast Guard (Revenue Cutter Service when founded), and I am now married to a Coast Guardsmen. I married before finding out this information, so both my husband and I like to think that it was Alexander who is responsible for bringing us together. . . cheesy I know, but fun, too!

by linda_mcmann on 2012-05-27 13:01:07

I too would like information. I was Married to a Hamilton and we have a daughter. I have a picture of what we believe is a younger Alexander Hamilton. My Ex Husbands grandmother kept a few pictures. Also had done some genealogy.

by beltalk on 2012-05-27 21:22:59

My maiden name was Hamilton. I have always been told we were descended from Alexander Hamilton. I have done a lot of research, but am only able to go back 5 generations. I'm at an impasse. I need to find a list of his descendeants to see if any of them are my ancestors.

by cinder on 2012-07-28 21:46:56

my sister told me that i am related to A.H. on my moms side. her last name is love. i am two parts german one part welsh and one part english. (aka uk) pleses tell me if i am and how. thx

by bburnham20 on 2014-01-23 22:55:10

OMG!!!!! my grandad said i'm related to Alexander Hamilton on my mom's side!!!! her last name is rinker and i want to know if i am!!! :D (also my brother's middle name is hamilton and my great grandad's last name is hamilton so is my great great grandad and i don't really know about the others)

by bburnham20 on 2014-01-23 22:58:10

(also i'm related to the scottish james mcnairy and i'm also a direct relative of him, i am also a direct relative of the man who started the broyhill furniture company) :D

by Kerrie_Mills on 2017-12-29 17:27:43

Apparantly I am related to Alexander Hamilton. My family have always been quite secretive about this though and most of the family history is kept at my Grandads. I would like to know if I am. Also our family has changed their last name alot. Did any Hamiltons move to the UK?

user LewisBarlow deactivated

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