LAMMERSHAGEN passengers to WELLINGTON 1875<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Journal by ngairedith

The LAMMERSHAGEN was built in 1869 by A. Stephen & Sons, Glasgow, for the Hamburg shipowner Robert M. Sloman. It was an iron sailing ship (3 masts, square-rigged), 913 tons gross, 192 ft & the Captain from 1872-1882 was H. T. Pauls
The LAMMERSHAGEN left Hamburg, Germany 1 April 1875, arriving into Wellington, NZ 11 July 1875

As there is no passenger list for the 1875 Lammershagen into New Zealand on the web, (as at this date), I needed to make one for j9max who is researching ancestors. The following Passenger Names were taken from FamilySearch and are spelled as found OR changed after research found their descendants have spelt it differently. Many people changed their names after their naturalization, or were anglicised during times of political instability.
If you can help, or would like the spelling of your ancestors changed, please leave a message in the comment box below
The complete passenger list is held in the National Archives, Lower Hutt

Wanganui Herald, 27 May 1875
... Five vessels are now on their way to the Colony with 1762 immigrants on board. Their names are as follows: the Lammershagen, the Collinwood, the Star of China, the Fleming and the Aldegrove

Evening Post, 7 June 1875
... The Lammershagen sailed from Hamburg on the 1st April, with 420 souls

Evening Post, 12 June 1875
... The Lammershagen, with over 400 German immigrants for this port, is now 72 days out from Hamburg

Evening Post, 8 July 1875
... The North German ship R.D.B.G., reported in our Australian telegrams as being spoken on the 1st may, 25 days out from Hanover to Wellington, is, we expect, the ship Lammershagen, which left Hamburg for this port on the 1st April with 420 immigrants. The letters R.D.B.G. are evidently not the name of the ship, but only her distinguishing letters in the Code, and no such letters appear in the latest editions received in the colony, nor are the distinguishing letters of the Lammershagen known here

Evening Post, 12 July 1875
... The German ship Lammershagen from Hamburg and Cuxhaven, arrived yesterday. She experienced fine weather during the passage, which occupied 96 days. She brings immigrants. There were five births and one death, an adult, on the voyage

Evening Post, 13 July 1875
... The Wellington to-day took away 72 adults, passengers by the Lammershagen, and bound for Westland. They will be transhipped at Nelson. 59 adults, destined for Taranaki, were also taken by the Wellington. The remaining immigrants could not be landed to-day, as there was no small steamer in port to convey them ashore. Two more births have occurred on board since the vessel's arrival in harbor. Amongst immigrants are - Poles, Danes, Swedes, Germans and Italians. Among the latter are a party of ten men who worked together as ?? at Mont Cenis Tunnel and the ??. They were anxious to obtain employment in a body, and have been employed by Mr McKirdy, local contractor

Evening Post, 14 July 1875
... A number of the Lammershagen's immigrants were brought over this afternoon by the schooner Florence, and were landed at the Queen's wharf, where they were received by a crowd of their fellow-countrymen

Taranaki Herald, 14 July 1875
... The s.s. Wellington has gone to the ship Lammershagen for the German immigrants for Taranaki, and sails for the North immediately they are taken aboard

New Zealand Herald, 16 July 1875
... The last of the Lammershagen's immigrants were landed to-day. They are a clean and healthy lot - very German looking

Evening Post, 19 July 1875
... The Manawatu, this afternoon, took 67? immigrants, ex Lammershagen, for Wanganui

Wanganui Herald, 22 July 1875
... The immigrants per the Lammershagen were landed this morning from the Manawatu and accommodated at the Immigration barracks. They comprise in all 90 souls, making 67? adults, made up of 18 families, 18 single men, and one single girl, and includes Germans, Swedes, Norwegians, Italians and Swiss. The whole of them are totally unacquainted with the English language, so that this may operate as a difficulty in getting them into situations, but, with the view of distributing them as widely as possible about the district, Mr Brewer intends forwarding 25 or more to Marton tomorrow by coach and the balance he expects being able to forward per steamer to Patea. With this view he telegraphed this afternoon to the Government for instructions as to chartering the steamer Egmont, and it is therefore more than probable that they will be forwarded to that district. With such mixed nationalities it is impossible to form any opinion as to whether the immigrants will be found useful in this part of the globe. No doubt they comprise various trades and callings, but the absence of an interpreter renders it difficult to ascertain anything really very tangible on that point, and this fact to some extent shows, that it is very questionable indeed whether in the absence of any regular foreign settlement such immigrants are of that class really required by this Colony. The families in the depot appeared all clean and healthy enough, and may when fairly acclimatized, get on very well, but it will take a very considerable time before much can be expected from them

Evening Post, 9 August 1875
... The ships Lammershagen and Hannibal are still lying in the stream, waiting a change of wind

Wanganui Chronicle, 13 August 1875
... By the Lammershagen, from Hamburg, there were lately despatched to our port (New Plymouth), a number of foreign immigrants, whose condition in a few individual cases, we regret to hear, did not receive that attention of which their necessities or special circumstances caused them to stand urgently in need. No blame can attach, so far as we can ascertain, to the Immigration Agent here, who fulfils the, at times, difficult and arduous duties appertaining to his office, with a conscientious regard to the responsibilities thereof. In the case of the Lammershagen immigrants, there was scarcely one who could speak a word of English, and the difficulty inseparable from yielding satisfaction to new arrivals was trebled and intensified by the greater difficulty, almost amounting to an impossibility, which the Immigration Agent experienced in making the foreigners comprehend the nature of the instruction which he was supposed to communicate. There were one or two cases for which the aid of a doctor had to be called in, and woman's greatest trouble had to be sustained without the necessary assistance and comfort generally considered indispensable to the requirements of her condition. Could not the Benevolent Society be induced to extend its ramifications in this direction. There are frequently cases occurring at the Immigration Depot, where the assistance of a gently, sympathising woman would be invaluable, and would alleviate much suffering, and confer real benefit. The cases to which we now particularly refer, fortunately were made known to a kind, motherly matron, who extended her charity judiciously, and whose well-timed assistance was most gratefully recognised by the recipient thereof. But, in the case of foreigners especially, with whom communication is so difficult to maintain, it is manifestly unfair to the local Immigration Agent, to ask him to undertake unassisted the task of providing for the necessities of the strangers. Their absolutely urgent wants or physical condition he may be unable to ascertain, if acquainted therewith might possibly experience insurmountable difficulties in rendering or procuring the necessary attendance. But were one or two of the lady members of the Benevolent Society to be deputed, while engaging in their visitations, to include the depot in their rounds, more particularly after the arrival of a fresh batch of immigrants, they would find an extensive field for the practical development of their charitable impulses. We are of opinion that a great amount of genuine charity - genuine because dispensed where needed - could this be beneficially applied, and we are sure a hint only is necessary, in order to induce the members of the Society to direct their sympathies towards alleviating the distress of those who have no claim upon our charity beyond the fact that they are in trouble, that they are strangers, and long for sympathy, encouragement, and advice, for the lack of which many a poor neglected creature has been driven to corrupt and abandoned courses

Wilhelm Arnoldt aged 37 (1838-), Sweden, married
Friedrich Arnoldt aged 36 (1839-), married
* Otto Arnoldt aged 14 (1861-1905)
* Charlotte Arnoldt aged 11? (1864-)
* Ludwig Arnoldt aged 10 (1865-)
* Anna Arnoldt aged 8 (1867-)
* Carl Arnoldt aged 2? (1873-)

Theodor Banor aged 34 (1841-), Germany, single

Herm Bautch aged 23 (1852-), Germany, single

Gustav Benicki aged 28 (1847-), Germany, single

Olaf Benytsan aged 29 (1846-), Sweden, single

H D Bichtman aged 26 (1849-), Germany, married
Marie Bichtman aged 24 (1851-), married

Mariane Bilowski aged 25 (1850-), Germany, single

Gottlieb Blattner aged 32 (1843-), Switzerland, single
Evening Post has Blottner Gottlete (in that name order) and August Kronze(?) as new arrivals from the Lammershagen, being drunk & incapable in public streets
* only Blattner recorded as dying in NZ: Kaipara & Waitemata Echo, 7 August 1919 An old-age pensioner, Charles Blattner (about 70), of Swiss descent, who followed the occupation of gumdigger at "The Peak", near Kaukapakapa, was fatally burned in his whare on Tuesday of last week. It appears that Blattner, who had been in indifferent health, was being cared for by a mate, who had left a pile of scrub near the whare, for the fire, and while he was absent deceased had evidently obtained this and place it on the fire, which blazed and caught his clothes. When found at night he was quite dead, being badly burned about the neck and down one side. Constable Hunt, of Helensville, was communicated with and accompanied by Dr Meinhold, proceeded to the scene of the fatality. An inquest was held on the following day, when a verdict of accidental death from burns was returned. It is stated that deceased had been in the Costley Home, but refused to stay there, as he thought he had not enough freedom

Carl Bock aged 35 (1840-), Germany, married
Ernestine Bock aged 40 (1835-), married
* Bertha Bock aged 12 (1863-)
* Juluso Bock aged 7 (1868-)
* August Bock aged 3 (1872-)
Caroline Bock aged 18 (1857-), Germany, single (ticket for 1)

Julius Borygnist aged 23 (1852-), Denmark, single

Joseph Braws aged 23 (1852-), Germany, single

BREIDECKER written on list as BRUDICKER
Heinrich Breidecker aged 47 (1828-1907), Rhine Valley, Frankfurt, married
Christiana Breidecker aged 26 (1849-), married
* Johann Baptist Breidecker aged 10 (1865-1942) died Kohukohu
* Carl Breidecker aged 9 (1866-1938) died in Sydney
* Marguretta Breidecker aged 2 (1873-1909)
* established a vineyard in Taranaki (pdf file) & later at Kohukohu, Hokianga. The Breidecker name is now perpetuated in a Muller-Thurgau derived grape variety and in the Marlborough-based Hunter's Wines (NZ) Ltd German-style white wine Breidecker see link for much more

Anna Brutin aged 21 (1854-), Sweden, single

BRZIESCHKI - written Fredericka BIRIRSCHKI
Friedrich Brzieschki aged 24 (1851-), Germany, single
* see in Commissioner's Report at notes below

August Bublitz aged 26 (1849-1937), Germany, married
Wilhelmine Bublitz aged 26 (1849-), married
* Friedrick Albert Bublitz aged 3 (1872-1920)
* Wilhelm 'William Henry' Bublitz aged 1? (1874-1960)
* they were at Ketemarae, Normanby, Taranaki in 1888. In Eltham in 1892

Caroline Camp aged 58 (1817-), Germany, single

Joseph Carno aged 34 (1841-), Switzerland, single

Franz Chajewski aged 44 (1831-), Germany, married
Louise Chajewski aged 60 (1815-), married

Anders Christensen aged 40 (1834-1893), Denmark, married (died America)
Mette Marue Christensen (nee Nielsen) aged 40 (1835-1883), married (died NZ)
* Niels Bertelsen Christensen aged 11 (1863-)
* Kristine Christensen aged 9 (1865 Denmark-1948 California)
* Mette Marie Christensen aged 7 (1867 Denmark-1944 Salt Lake City, Utah)
* Christian Jensen (or Christian Johann) Christensen aged 4 (1870-1923 NZ)
* Anne Marie Margaret Christensen aged 1? (1874-) landed on 2nd birthday
* George Dietrich Christensen (1875-1964) born on board when the ship was near Tasmania. He married Maud Mary NEIL in NZ 1902, moved to Canada & Kansas and died in Utah

Mette Christensen aged 26 (1849-), Denmark, single (ticket for 1)
Jens Peter Christensen aged 21 (1854-1920), Germany, single (ticket for 1)

Carl Clamp aged 27 (1848-), Sweden, single

Guiseppo Collito aged 30 (1845-), Italy, single

CZABLEWSKI - later changed to SHAPLESKI
Jakob Czablewski aged 37 (1838-1927), Gdanski, Poland (list has Germany)
- after he was naturalised he changed the name to Shapleski - lived in Feilding
Mariane Czablewski (nee Patzer) aged 37 (1838-1925), his wife
* Franz Czablewski aged 11 (1864-1942)
* Joseph Czablewski aged 9 (1866-)
* Jakob Czablewski aged 7 (1868-1952)
* Bernhard Czablewski aged 2 (1873-1951)
* daughter Martha Czablewski was born on board (1875-1956)

Herm 'Heinrich' Czepauski aged 30 (1845-1940), Germany, married
Gustine Czepauski aged (1841-), married
* Wilhelm Czepauski aged 9 (1866-)
* August Czepauski aged 6 (1869-)
* Gustav Czepauski aged 4 (1871-)

Carl Dahlki aged 28 (1847-), Germany, married
Wilhelmina Dahlki aged 35 (1840-), married
* Mathida Dahlki aged 5 (1870-)
* August Dahlki aged 3 (1872-)

Louis Ebner aged 35 (1850-), Germany, single

Lars Eckberg aged 29 (1846-), Sweden, married (ticket for 2)
Marie Eckberg aged 37 (1838-), married

FILAX changed to FELIX
Friedricke Filax aged 33 (1842-), Germany, married
Johanne Filax aged 27 (1848-1933), married
* Otto Filax aged 5 (1870-)
* Juliane (Julius) Filax aged 2 (1873-1928)
* Theodore Rudolph Frederick Filax aged 1? (1874-1949)

Carl Fischer aged 23 (1852-), Switzerland, single

Franz Flocks aged 26 (1849-), Denmark, single

L R Framann aged 32 (1843-), Germany, single

Christian Fankhausen aged 22 (1853-), Switzerland, single

Carl M Frum aged 22 (1853-), Denmark, single

Carl Gangil aged 23 (1852-), Germany, single

Thomas Gaus aged 23 (1852-), Italy, single

Michael Golanitz aged 37 (1838-), Germany, married
Barbara Golanitz aged (1848-), married
* Johan Golanitz aged 10 (1865-)

Jas Gorowski aged 32 (1843-), Germany, married
Anna Gorowski aged 32 (1843-), married
* Pauline Gorowski aged 5 (1870-)

Emil Grapingetr aged 22 (1853-), Germany, single

Mads Gundersen aged 20 (1855-), Denmark, single (ticket for 1)
Henrick Gundersen aged 18 (1857-), Denmark, single (ticket for 1)
Niels Soren Gundersen aged 17 (1858-), Denmark, single (ticket for 1)
- settled in Australia
* related to (or aka) Jorgensen, children of Gunde Jorgensen below

Benezchito Halst aged 18 (1857-), Denmark, single

Peter Bodil/Bodilsen Hansen aged 25 (1850-1910), Denmark, died Alicetown, Lower Hutt
Nielsine 'Sene' Hansen (nee Jensen) aged 24 (1851-1892), wife of Peter

Anders Hansen aged 24 (1851-1925), Denmark, single (ticket for 1), possibly brother of Peter

Joseph Hewett aged 48 (1827-), Germany, married
Johanne Hewett aged 38 (1837-), married
* Friedrich Hewett aged 13 (1862-)
* Albert Hewett aged 10 (1865-)
* Johanne Hewett aged 5 (1870-)
* Mathelai Hewett aged 2? (1873-)
* Franz Hewett aged 1? (1874-)

Johan Hoffman aged 44 (1831-), Germany, married
Henriette Hoffman aged 32 (1843-1904), married
* Herman Hoffman aged 8 (1867-)
* Julins Hoffman aged 4 (1871-)
* Caroline Hoffman aged 2 (1873-)
* Ernest Hoffman aged infant (1875-1963?)

Jackoe Hoffeins aged 45 (1830-), Germany, married
Wilhelmina Johanna Elsabea Hoffeins aged 39 (1838-1928), married
* Prudricki Hoffeins aged 15 (1860-)
* Carl Wilhelm Paul Hoffeins aged 13 (1862-1911)
* Dorothea Hoffeins aged 9 (1866-)
* Hans Michael Johan Hoffeins aged 4 (1871-1906)
* Cacilie Hoffeins aged 2 (1873-)
* The family settled in Marton

Michl Houyniack aged 39 (1836-), Germany, married
Mariane Houyniack aged 35 (1840-), married
* Michaeline Houyniack aged 11 (1864-)
* Veranisa Houyniack aged 5 (1870-)

HUIZ - probably HINTZ
Anton Huiz aged 39 (1836-), Germany, married
Maria Huiz aged 40 (1835-), married
* Martha Huiz aged 14 (1861-)
* Johan Huiz aged 5 (1870-)
* Franz Huiz aged 4 (1871-)
* Franzisco Huiz aged 2 (1873-)

Anton Huiz aged 40 (1835-1923?), Germany, married
Maria Huiz aged 35 (1840-), married
* Marie Huiz aged 11 (1864-)
* Anton Huiz aged 7 (1868-)
* Martha Huiz aged 6 (1869-)
* Bernardo Huiz aged 2 (1873-1946?)

Lorenz Iaskula aged 21 (1848-), Germany, single

Carl Aug Ivensen aged 20 (1855-), Germany, single

Jakob Jakobsen aged 22 (1853-), Denmark, single

Martin Jacoletto aged 30 (1845-), Italy, single (ticket for 1)
Luis Jacoletto aged 26 (1849-), Italy, single (ticket for 1)

Johann Jakusch aged 33 (1842-), Germany, married
Mariane Jakusch aged 35 (1840-), married
* August Jakusch aged 5 (1870-)
* Leopold Jakusch aged 5 (1871-)
* Johann Jakusch aged infant (1875-)

Anders Janssen aged 27 (1848-), Sweden, single

Else Jensen aged 29 (1846-), Denmark, single

Anders Jensen aged 27 (1848-), Denmark, married
Bodil Jensen aged 20 (1855-), married

Gunde Jorgensen aged 49 (1826-), Denmark, married
Ingeborg Jorgensen (nee Jacobsdatter) aged 46 (1829-), married (his 3rd wife)
* Hans Nielsen Jorgensen aged 13 (1862-)
* Jens Jacob Jorgensen aged 7 (1868-1875) died Somes Island 2 weeks after arriving
* Marie Dorothea Jorgensen aged 2 (1873-), illegitimate daughter of Gunde's daughter (to his 2nd wife), Else Marie Gundesen who emigrated to Australia
* related to (or aka) Gundersen, see above

Wilhelm Klein aged 30 (1845-), Germany, single

Oly I Klogh aged 25 (1850-), Denmark, single

Hans Knudsen aged 25 (1850-), Denmark, single

Herm Knudt aged 38 (1837-), Sweden, single

Johann Knudt aged 30 (1845-), Germany, married
Wilhelmini Knudt aged 29 (1846-), married
* Freiderick Johann Knudt aged 10 (1865-)
* Wilhelm Anna Knudt aged infant (1875-)

Anton Kowalewski aged 42 (1833-), Denmark, married
Barbara Kowalewski aged 42 (1833-), married
* Maria Kowalewski aged 11 (1864-)
* Julius Kowalewski aged 5 (1870-)
* Julianne Kowalewski aged 2 (1873-)

Christian Kowitz aged 49 (1826-), Germany, married
Maria Kowitz aged 40 (1835-), married
* Bertha Kowitz aged 15 (1860-)
* Augusta Kowitz aged 11 (1864-)
* Albert Kowitz aged 9 (1866-)
* Johanna Kowitz aged 7 (1868-)
* Hulda Kowitz aged 5 (1870-)
* Ernest Kowitz aged 2 (1873-)
* most of this family appears to be buried Toowoomba, Queensland

A J Kranse aged 22 (1853-), Germany, single

Johanns Krause aged 46 (1829-), Germany, single
Johann Krause aged 34 (1841-), Germany, married (tickets for 4)
Emilie Krause aged 29 (1846-), married
* Obellie Krause aged 4 (1871-)

Johann Krebs aged (1836-), Germany, married
Offiln Krebs aged 40 (1835-), married
* Hermann Krebs aged 13 (1862-)
* Carl Krebs aged 7 (1868-)
* Fritz Krebs aged 2 (1873-)
* August Krebs aged 2 (1873-)
? Emilie Krebs aged 16 (1859-), Germany (ticket for 1)

J M Krept aged 27 (1848-), Germany, married
Rosalie Krept aged 26 (1849-), married
* Johann Krept aged 4 (1871-)
* Joseph Krept aged 1? (1874-)

Gottlieb Kruger aged 29 (1846-), Germany, married
Bertha Kruger aged 26 (1849-), married
* Gustav Kruger aged 1? (1874-)

August Kruger aged 30 (1845-), Germany, married
Rosa Kruger aged 31 (1844-), married
* Johann Kruger aged 4 (1871-)
* Maria Kruger aged 1? (1874-)
* Anna Kruger aged infant (1875-)

Friedrich 'Frederick' Kulling aged 44 (1831-1904), Germany, married
Caroline Wilhelmine Kulling aged 40 (1835-1896), nee Brunke
* Johanne Kulling aged 15 (1860-1925)
* Emilie Kulling aged 12 (1863-)
* Caroline Kulling aged 8 (1867-)
* Marie Kulling aged 8 (1867-1945)
* Wilhelmina Kulling aged 4 (1871-1959)
* Albertine Kulling aged infant (1875-)
. notes .
. 'Frederick' & Caroline had a daughter in Masterton .
*1879 - 1967 Martha Charlotte Ernestina Kulling
. she was a spinster in Kumeroa, Woodville in 1911. She married Joseph Henry Aretua Clark in 1916. She is buried Awanui
* Johanne Wilhlemine 'Anna/Annie') had a son in 1885, Ernest Charles Henry Kulling. She married Friedrich 'Fredrick' Bottcher in Halcombe in 1886 and his name became Bottcher. Annie is buried Rongotea
* Emilie married August Petterson in 1881. She signed the Womens Suffrage Petition in Norsewood in 1893
* Caroline Kulling had a daughter in 1887, Edith Ethel Kulling. She had a son in 1891, William Kulling. She married Thomas Philip Schofield in Carterton in 1891. Their names became Schofield. Caroline is buried in Waikumete
* Marie Therese Augusta married Harmon/Hermann Augustus Bottcher in 1887 & had 4 children. Marie (as Mary) is buried Waitara
* 'Wilhelmina' (Ernestine Wilhelmine) had a son in 1891, Louis Frederick Kulling. She married Karl/Carl Albert Voss in 1896, (after his wife Henrietta died in 1895), and his name became Voss. He was killed in France WWI. Wilhelmina & Carl had 14 children

Johann Laba aged 38 (1837-), Germany, married
Anna Laba aged 28 (1847-), married
* Mariane Laba aged 9 (1866-)
* Rosa Laba aged 3 (1872-)
* Anna Laba aged infant (1875)

Elise Larsen aged 18 (1857-), Sweden, single (ticket for 1)

Carl I Larsen aged 28 (1847-), Denmark, single (ticket for 1)
Nils Larsen aged 25 (1850-), Denmark, single (ticket for 1)

Jens Larsen aged 42 (1833-1907), Sweden, married
Johanne Larsen aged 39 (1836-), married
* Anders Larsen aged 15 (1860-1947)
* Jenst Larsen aged 13 (1862-)
* Ellen Larsen aged 10 (1865-)
* Carl Larsen aged 6 (1869-)
* Anders Larsen aged 8 (1870-)
* Anna Larsen aged 4 (1871-)
* Lars Peter Larsen aged 2 (1873-1895)
* Hidwig Larsen aged infant (1875-)

Wilhelm Laupitz aged 28 (1847-), Germany, single

Elisab Lewaudowski aged 24 (1851-), Germany, single

Perd Lindeman aged 23 (1852-), Denmark, single

Christen Lorenzen aged 22 (1853-), Denmark, single

Peter Heinrich Luders aged 42 (1833-1910), Germany, married
Cecilia Luders aged 32 (1843-1882), married
* Anna Luders aged 10 (1865-1950)
* Henrich Peter 'Henry' Luders aged 8 (1867-1939)
* Gretha 'Ada' Luders aged 1 (1873-1896)

Carl Sophus Lund aged 38 (1847-1931), Denmark, married
Wilhelmina 'Mina' Lund (nee Hansen) aged 36 (1839-1910), married
* Alexander Lund aged 2? (1873-)
* Sophia Lund aged infant (1875-)
* Carl was a ropemaker (he was taught the trade in Denmark by his future father-in-law), he died 22 Feb 1931 in Belmont, Lower Hutt

Peter Christian Madsen aged 21 (1854-), Sweden, single
Christen Madsen aged 19 (1856-1950), Denmark, single
Marie Madsen aged 16 (1859-), Denmark, single (ticket for 1)

Gion Mansi aged 28 (1847-), Italy, married
Louise Mansi aged 28 (1847-), married
* Emilie Mansi aged 3? (1872-)
* Danielle Mansi aged infant (1874)

Albert Marki aged 23 (1852-), Sweden, single

Joseph Markinski aged 15 (1860-), Germany, single

Franz Max aged 33 (1842-1932), Germany, married
Catherine Max (nee Lichtkowsky) aged 36 (1839-1924)
* Anna Max aged 9 (1866-)
* Maria Max aged 7 (1868-)
* Anna Max aged 3 (1872-)
* had a daughter, Bernardina Max (1875-1887) on board and 3 more children in NZ

Anton Max aged 30 (1844-1926), Germany, married
Catharine 'Katie' Max (nee Kotschinske) aged 28 (1848-1926), married
* Antonio Joseph Max aged 5 (1870-1949)
* August Max aged 3 (1872-1939)
* Paulina Max aged infant (1874-1952)
* had 8 children in NZ, the 1st in Hokitika, the rest in Palmerston North:
1876 - 1944 Franz 'Frank' Max (+Kinsey)
1878 - 1954 Marie Max (+Rumble)
1880 - 1963 Johan 'John' Max (+Iskirka +Moore)
1882 - 1894 Peter Max (aged 12)
1883 - 1925 Michel 'Michael (from illness from the Front)
1885 - 1889 Anna Max (aged 4)
1887 - 1961 Anton Tomas Max (+Sampson)
1891 - 1964 Catarina 'Catherine Max (+Pearcey)
* Anton & Franz (above) were brothers. See posting & comments here Max family in New Zealand

Thomas C Morganto aged (1855-)

Ernestine Mottik aged 17 (1858-), Germany, single

Friedrich Munck aged 40 (1835-), Denmark, married
Johanne Munck aged 35 (1840-), married
* Wilhelmine Munck aged 13 (1862-)
* Bertha Munck aged 11? (1864-)
* Caroline Munck aged 9 (1866-)
* Franz Munck aged 7 (1868-)
* Anna Munck aged 1? (1874-)

Angus Mundt aged 25 (1850-), Denmark, single

Johann Heinrich Nickel aged 43 (1832-1903), Germany, married
Augusta Wilhelmina Nickel (nee Schultz) aged 40 (1835-), married
* Ferdinand Nickel aged 15 (1860-?)
- Ferdinand married Adeline/Adelina Schulz in 1883 & had 13 children. He then 'disappeared' & in 1914 his wife remarried to Charles William Lorkin
* Gustav Nickel aged 10 (1865-1941) died New Plymouth
- Gustav never married
* Friedrich William 'Fritz' Nickel aged 4 (1870-1943) died Patea
- Fritz married Nellie Amon in 1891 & had 9 children
* Hermine 'Minnie' Nickel aged 3 (1871-1952) died Hawera
- Minnie married Caleb Seaman Goodwin in 1894 & had 5 children

Nils C Nelsen aged 22 (1853-), Denmark, single (ticket for 1)
Johann Nelsen aged 19 (1856-), Sweden, single (ticket for 1)

Peter Nilsen aged 18 (1857-), Denmark, single (ticket for 1)

Hermann Heinrich Nitz aged 33 (1841-1910), Germany, married
Louise Nitz (nee Niemoth) aged 31 (1844-1934), married
* Auguste Charles Nitz aged 4 (1871-1946)
- Auguste married Marion Isabella Raymond in 1897 & had 4 children
* Rudolph Henry Nitz aged 1? (1874-1948)
- Rudolph married Dora May Walker (1890-1915) in 1909
- he next married Eva Louise Riddick in 1916
* Herman Heinrich Freidrich Nitz was born in Stockentein, near Naurenberg, Pomerania, Germany. He saw service in three wars - the Danish, Austrian and the Franco-Prussian and was stationed for twelve months on the Polish frontier. He was found dead on the hills at Tewharau, Kaiwhata Valley, Wairarapa, whilst out rabbit shooting, on 6 Dec 1910. He had died of heart failure aged 69

Peter Oberto aged 27 (1848-), Italy, single

Christian Olsen aged 24 (1851-), Denmark, married
Else Olsen aged 22 (1853-), married
* Ole Olsen aged 3 (1872-)
* Marie Olsen aged infant (1875-)

PALL - may have changed to PAUL(L)
Wilhelmine Pall aged 49 (1826-1886?), Germany, servant, single (ticket for 5)
Johanne Pall aged 25 (1850-), servant, single
Auguste Pall aged 21 (1854-), servant, single
Caroline Pall aged 32 (1843-), servant (also called Caroline Poll)
* Adolph Pall aged 2 (1873-)
* Hermann Pall aged 6 (1869-)
Ferdinand Pall aged 23 (1852-), Germany, single (ticket for 2)

Peter Paulsen aged 33 (1842-), Denmark, single

Carl Pensen aged 27 (1848-), Denmark, single

Jans Persan aged 22 (1853-), Sweden, single
West Coast Times, 17 February 1877 If this should meet the eye of Lars Perssons, Ekberg, who arrived per ship "Lammershagen"1875, he will please write to his brother's address - Jens Perssons, Upper Hutt P.O. Wellington

Damini Pervetto aged 26 (1849-), Italy, single

Friedrich Peters aged 40 (1835-), Germany, married
Henricht Peters aged 45 (1830-), married
* Caroline Dorothea Peters aged 14 (1861-1937?)
* Johann Peters aged 11? (1864-)
* Anna Peters aged 4 (1871-)

Johan Petersen aged 26 (1849-), Sweden, single (ticket for 1)
August Peterson aged 19 (1856-), Sweden, single (ticket for 1)

Joseph Picco aged 28 (1847-), Italy, single

Carl W Prentzen aged 26 (1849-), Denmark, single
* was in Wellington in 1918

Carl Pritzki aged 32 (1843-), Germany, married
Ernestine Pritzki aged (1848-), married
* Johanne Pritzki aged 2 (1873-)

Vinceus 'Vincent' Rasmussen aged 20 (1855-1936), Denmark, single

Aug Reichilmann aged 26 (1849-), Germany, single

Jakob 'Jacob' Reinfeld aged 40 (1835-1903), Denmark, single
* a Jakob Reinfeld married Caroline GOLDSWORTHY in 1877

Carl Ritter aged 32 (1843-1932), Sweden, married
Johanna Ritter aged 31 (1844-1904), married
* Martha Henrietta Albertina Ritter aged 7 (1868-1912)
* Carl Otto Ritter aged 2 (1873-1900 died in Eltham aged 26)
* Hilda Sybil Ritter aged (1875-1875), died aged 15 months

Lorenzo Robino aged 37 (1838-), Italy, single

August Rosanowski aged 28 (1847-), Germany, married
Marit 'Mary' Rosanowski (nee Vetchenski) aged 30 (1845-), married
* Pauline Rosanowski aged 1? (1874-)
* related to the MAX family (researching as to how) read comments at this posting
Manawatu Evening Standard, Saturday 13 March 1920
... The funeral at the Palmerston North cemetery yesterday afternoon of the late Mrs A. Rosanowski was largely attended, the service being impressively conducted by the Rev. Father McManus. The late Mrs Rosanowski had resided in New Zealand since 1874, and during the past 44 years had made her home in the Manawatu district, being one of the old residents on this coast, and was highly respected by all with whom she came in contact. She is survived by her husband and a grown-up family of four sons and one daughter. The sons are Messrs:
Michael and John Rosanowski of Palmerston North
Mr Joseph Rosanowski, of Auckland
Mr August Rosanowski of Whangarei
and the daughter, Mrs Devlin, of Taihape (Pauline)
while there are also 25 grandchildren.
Sincere sympathy is felt for the relatives in their affliction
Manawatu Evening Standard, Monday 18 July 1932
... There passed away in Palmerston North, late yesterday afternoon, a very highly esteemed citizen, Mr August Rosanowski, who had lived at this centre practically continuously for 56 years. During his long period of residence he had made a host of friends, and his death has caused much regret. The late Mr Rosanowski was in every sense a pioneer, having witnessed the transformation of Palmerston North from a village to a city. He was 85 years of age. With his wife, the deceased gentleman, who was born in Danzig, arrived in New Zealand in 1874, in response to an appeal made by the British Government for colonists for New Zealand. He arrived on July 17 of that year, and it is a coincidence that his death should have occurred on July 17, 58 years later. Mr and Mrs Rosanowski landed in the South Island at Jackson's Bay, and after two years on the West Coast, came to Palmerston North. Here the deceased gentleman worked for the sawmilling firm of Richter, Nannestad, Jensen and Company for 17 years, during that time helping in the levelling of the bush on the northern side of the town, around where the Hospital now stands and further out to Kelvin Grove. In those days, from Featherston Street to Boundary Road was a swamp. After the bush in this district had been cut out, the firm which employed Mr Rosanowski transferred its horses and material to Tahoraite, and there deceased worked for a couple of years. He then took up farming at Stoney Creek, and returned to Palmerston North six years later, to live in retirement. Though he had never participated in public affairs, the late Mr Rosanowski had led a very useful life as a private citizen. He was one of the earliest members of Court Manawatu Lodge. Until some two years ago he had never suffered a day's illness. Last December he suffered a stroke, however, and was removed to the hospital, and had since been an inmate. The late Mr Rosanowski, who was predeceased by his wife 12 years ago, also by a son and his only daughter, is survived by three sons, Messrs:
August Rosanowski (Kawakawa)
Joseph Rosanowski (Auckland)
Michael Rosanowski (Palmerston North).
There are 25 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.
The deepest sympathy has been extended to the bereaved family. The interment will take place at the Palmerston North cemetery on Wednesday afternoon

Mathias Sattler aged 39 (1836-), Hungary, married
Barbara Sattler aged 36 (1839-), married
* Johann Sattler aged 15 (1860-)
* Mathias Sattler aged 14 (1861-)
* Lorenz Sattler aged 10 (1865-)
* Martin Sattler aged 7 (1868-)
* Michael Sattler aged 3 (1872-)
* From the village Tarcsa, Hungary. Settled in Inglewood, Taranaki (also see Walfsbawr below)

Henn Schaeler aged 32 (1843-), Germany, married
Anna Schaeler aged 30 (1845-), married
* within 12 months they were living in Queensland

Franz Scherer aged 45 (1830-), Switzerland, single (ticket for 3)
Victoria Scherer aged 24 (1851-), single (ticket for 1)
Joseph Scherer aged 19 (1856-), single
Alfano Scherer aged 14 (1861-), single

Johann Schicht aged 44 (1831-), Germany, single

Samuel Schink aged 31 (1844-), Switzerland, single

Auguste Schreck aged 18 (1857-1921), Germany, single
- married ship's crewman (who jumped ship), Peter Hinrich 'Harry' PETERS (1852-1941) photo at link, the following year. Harry was said to have been the first to sight land (Mt Egmont at Taranaki) from the crow`s nest. Harry and Auguste Peters's family of five sons and two daughters settled in and around the Inglewood district. Auguste Peters died on 26 July 1921. Harry Peters survived his wife, dying at New Plymouth's Public Hospital on 9 May 1941

Carl August Schroder aged 41 (1834-1913), Germany, married
Henriett Schroder aged 48 (1827-), married
* Ernest Schroder aged 12? (1863-)
* Johann Schroder aged 10 (1865-)
* Ernestine Schroder aged 9 (1866-)
* Carl August Schroder aged 5 (1870-1944)
* August Henry Schroder aged 2 (1873-1940)

Carl Heine Schroder aged 27 (1848-), Germany, married
Carl Dorothea Schroder aged 23 (1852-), married

Johann Schukler aged 30 (1845-), Switzerland, single

Joh Schulz aged 41 (1834-), Germany, married
Brigetta Schulz aged 49 (1826-), married
* Albert August Schulz aged 16 (1859-1936)
* Wilhelmini Schulz aged 14 (1861-)
* Franz Schulz aged infant 6 (1869-)

Joh Christian Schulz aged 28 (1847-1880), Sweden, married
Charlotte Schulz aged 24 (1851-), married
* Marie Schulz aged 3 (1872-)
* Carl Schulz aged infant (1875)

Pietro Spandro aged 37 (1838-), Italy, single

Joh Stachlin aged 33 (1842-), Switzerland, married
Caroline Stachlin aged 29 (1848-), married

Friedrick Stein aged 26 (1849-), Germany, single

* family boarded at Hobart, Tasmania and settled in Wellington
Hermann Carl Steinmuller aged 43 (1832-1875), Germany, married
(Hermann suicided) in Taranaki St., Wellington, 5 months after arrival
Anna Fredericke 'Dinah' Steinmuller (nee Hyman) aged 34 (1840-1922), born in Germany, married & had 8 children in Hobart (then 1 in Wellington), remarried in 1877 to Carl Fredericke 'Ludwig' Koch (1842-1912) & had 3 sons, she appeared numerous times in Wellington Court for stealing & drunkenness, sentenced at times to weeks or months in gaol. Ludwig died in Haitaita, Wellington at the home of his son. Dinah died in Auburn, NSW 10 years later
* Charles Hermann Steinmuller aged 15 (1860-1943)
* Wilhelm Frederick Steinmuller aged 13 (1862-1930)
* Friedrick James Steinmuller aged 9 (1865-1952), buried Taita
* Lilly Christina Steinmuller aged 5 (1870-1962)
* Tasman Van Dieman Steinmuller aged 2 (1873-1919) (aka Alfred Tasman Cook served 2 years for bigamy)
* not on passenger list was their 16 year old daughter Emma Steinmuller (1859-1941), who married married Johan Christian Eugen(e), Hotel Keeper in Wellington, in 1879. Emma is buried at Taita cemetery

Gahtfs Strauch aged 31 (1844-), Germany, married
Julianne Strauch aged 30 (1845-), married
* John Charles 'August' Strauch aged 4 (1871-1965)

Wilh Sudfeet aged 30 (1845-), Germany, married
Wilhelmini Sudfeet aged 29 (1846-), married
* Wilhelm Sudfeet aged 2 (1873-)
* Bernhardine Sudfeet aged infant (1875-)

Cort Thomsen aged 39 (1836-), Denmark, single (ticket for 1)
Thomas Thomsen aged 19 (1856-), Denmark, single (ticket for 1)

TIMM changed to THIM
Wilhelm Timm aged (1839-1907), Germany, married - died Bunnythorpe Rd.
Beate Timm aged 33 (1842-1898), married Wilhelm in 1858
* Wilhelmine Timm aged 13 (1862-)
* Wilhelm Timm aged 9 (1866-)
* Anna Timm aged 8 (1867-)

Johann Tissmer aged 27 (1848-), Germany, married
Amalie Tissmer aged 26 (1849-), married
* Bertha Tissmer aged 3 (1872-)

Johann Tobian aged 49 (1826-1905), Germany, married
Ernestine Tobian aged 46 (1829-1903), married
* Rudolph Tobian aged 18 (1857-)
* Hermann Tobian aged 14 (1861-1929)
* Werner Tobian aged 10 (1865-)
* Emil Bernhard Tobian aged 3 (1872-1958)
* Albertine Tobian aged 18 (1857-) (ticket for 1)

(thanks to Rose, see comments below)
Theodore Voltz aged 27 (1848-1881), Germany, married
- Theodore drowned in the Mangawhero Creek 12 Jan 1881
Wilhelmina Henrietta Sophia Voltz aged 29 (1846-1906), married
* Bertha Voltz aged 3 (1872-1930)
* Maria 'Minna' 'Mary' Voltz aged 1.5? (1874-1940)

Gustav Volkerling aged 27 (1848-), Switzerland, married
Welhelmina Volkerling aged 29 (1846-), married
* Albert Volkerling aged 2 (1873-)
* Amanda Volkerling aged infant (1875-)

Maria Wader aged 48 (1827-), Germany, single (paid all tickets)
* Hermann Wader aged 16 (1859-)
* Wilhelm Wader aged 14 (1861-)
* Amalie Wader aged 11 (1864-)

Thomas Walfsbawr aged 35 (1842-1924), Hungary, married
Elizabeth (Erzsébet) Walfsbawr (nee Etwell) aged 32 (1848-1883), married
* Bartholomew 'Mathias' Walfsbawr aged 4 (1870-1957)
.. he was naturalised in Aug 1899, then a farmer at Hurleyville
* Theresia Rose Walfsbawr aged infant (1874-1939)
* Thomas first married Theresia Reichardt (1841-1872) in Hungary around 1865. They had at least 3 children. Two sons died in infancy. 'Mathias' on the ship was the other. Thomas & Elizabeth married about 1873. Theresia Rose was their daughter. They had another 6 children in NZ. Elizabeth died in Midhurst on 4 April 1883 by hanging. She was 34. A footnote in one of the newspaper articles of the day is interesting (compared to today). It reads By this sad occurrence, six little children from three months to 13 years of age are motherless and much sympathy is felt for the family. It is desired to find homes for the three youngest and any person wishing to adopt one of them can communicate with the police in New Plymouth
NOTE Thanks to Marlene's comment below, 19 Feb 2021 .. The Thomas Walfbawr (Wolfsbauer) and Mathias Sattler families came from the village of Tarcsa in Hungary, now called Andau and in Austria. They settled in Inglewood, Taranaki. The Sattlers remained there but the Wolfsbauers fell on hard times after the death of Elizabeth. Thomas later moved to the Manawatu. He died in Wanganui in 1924.

Carl Wallhaus aged 32 (1843-), Sweden, married
Elizabeth Wallhaus aged 31 (1844-), married
* Friedricke Wallhaus aged 7 (1868-)
* Carl Wallhaus aged 5 (1870-)
* Emilie Wallhaus aged 4 (1871-)
* Louise Wallhaus aged 2 (1873-)
* Friedricke Wallhaus aged infant (1875-)

J Waycishowski aged 25 (1850-), Germany, single
Felix/Feliks Wojciechowski (1852-1929) of Strasberg, West Prussia (Poland) (possibly J Waycishowski above). Arrived on the Lammershagen in 1875. Changed his name to Voitrekovsky and married 16 year old Margaret Reidy in Kumeroa. Later family changed their name again to Voitre

Carl I Wilbertz aged 38 (1837-), Germany, married
Marie Wilbertz aged 42 (1833-), married
* Marie Wilbertz aged 10 (1865-)
* Carl Wilbertz aged 7 (1868-)
* Wilhelm Wilbertz aged 5 (1870-)
* Bruno Wilbertz aged (2 1873-)

Andreas (Andrew) Christian Wilde aged 27 (1848-1927), Denmark, single
Jorgen (John) Christian Wilde aged 25 (1850-1902), Denmark, single

WISCHURWSKI / Wischnowksi
Herm/Herman Wischurwski aged 33 (1842-), Germany, single (ticket for 1)
August Wischurwski aged 28 (1847-), Germany, married
. . August & Herman were sons of Wilhelmine Wischnowksi who arrived the following year of the Fritz Reuter
* August Wischurwski aged 24 (1851-), married
* Hans Wischurwski aged infant (1874-)

* a list of 'Unique Surnames' was found for this passage of the Lammershagen. Some of the names are not on the above list. They could help with the spelling of some or, they are themselves, incorrect
Perhaps you can help ...
Alberto, Alfons, Aressen, Arnold, Bartsok, Bauer, Bengtson, Benicke, Bichelmann, Biechtman, Biechtmann, Bilawska, Blattner, Bogenowski, Borguist, Bork, Breidecker, Bruken, Brzieschke, Caroline, Chaznoski, Christensen, Colletto, Comi, Czepanski, Dahlte, Dahltte, Ebner, Eckberg, Faukhausen, Fiechter, Filan, Flodze, Gaus, Gedaniz, Gernoski, Gongel, Grafengites, Gundesen, Hansen, Heivelt, Hodyssiatz, Holst, Holstein, Jacobsen, Jacoletti, Jacolleto, Jaskaski, Jensen, Jonsson, Jorgen, Joseph, Klein, Klogh, Klomp, Knudsen, Knudt, Knuth, Koffmann, Konig, Kosvitz, Kowalewski, Kraft, Krause, Krebs, Krieges, Kruger, Kulling, Larsen, Laupitz, Lindemann, Lorenzen, Luders, Lund, Lusanderati, Machs, Madsen, Maike, Markinski, Mattik, Mauridicomo, Monzanto, Munde, Nickel, Nielsen, Nitz, Nix, Olsen, Orum, Pall, Paulsen, Pernetto, Person, Peters, Petersen, Peterson, Pieco, Preutzen, Priszke, Ramon, Rasmussen, Rassche, Reinfeld, Ritter, Robinoco, Saller, Sallusch, Sattler, Schaeler, Schenk, Scherer, Schicht, Schraak, Schroder, Schuder, Schulz, Schwedele, Sohntz, Spandro, Stachlin, Stein, Steinmuller, Stoka, Strauch, Sublitz, Sudfeld, Svendsen, Szableinski, Tesmar, Tessmann, Thomsen, Tobian, Tun, Victoria, Voelz, Volkerling, Weidner, Wiebtitz, Wilde, Wischnowski, Wolfsbauer, Wollheim, Wyzickkowski

* two female passengers are mentioned on the Commissioner's Report on the voyage held in National Archives, Wellington:
... We regret to report however that two of the single girls were confined on board and were still in bed at the time of our inspection. Their names are Caroline Poll, 32 and Fredericka Birirschki, 24. We mention this fact in order that enquiries may be instituted as to how they obtained their certificates of character
I have Caroline Poll as Caroline Pall & Fredericka Birirschki as Friedrich Brzieschki


wrecked on 18 November 1882 off the Welsh Coast near Swansea without loss of life. While the ship was being pounded to pieces by the waves, an artist painted the scene with people carrying away goods that had been washed up on the beach.
Taken from the interesting story Lammershagen Controversy

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by ngairedith Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2013-07-28 03:02:39

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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by ngairedith on 2013-08-06 22:07:04

by RoseTauranga on 2014-06-01 18:02:07

VALZ - this entry is my gr gr grandparents Theodor and Wilhelmina Voltz who were on the Lammershagen with their daughters Bertha and Minna, in another passenger list I have seen their surname as Voelz. Voltz was the name used once they had arrived in New Zealand. They settled in Wanganui and their grave is in the old Wanganui cemetery.
Rose Webber

user ChngogoMn deactivated
by MeganFarr on 2019-03-17 23:18:09


Hoffwis should read Hoffeins. Cäcilie was my grandmother’s grandmother. They settled in Marton.

by ngairedith on 2019-03-17 23:29:05

thanks so much Megan,
I will change it now

by MarleneW on 2021-02-19 08:32:07

The Thomas Walfbawr (Wolfsbauer) and Mathias Sattler families came from the village of Tarcsa in Hungary, now called Andau and in Austria. They settled in Inglewood, Taranaki. The Sattlers remained there but the Wolfsbauers fell on hard times after the death of Elizabeth and Thomas later moved to the Manawatu. He died in Wanganui in 1924.

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