related to morrisons
film star joh wayne is a morrison connection. also we are related to j- moore family . montgomery,s are also related to carters from footscray vic au. jane cotton carter married john montgomery. also we are related to isobel drummond mrs john gebbie in england, milners in england related to walkers. also gordons from austrtalia mcdonalds are related to my thorpe family from london. does anyone have connection to carters thru these people.
on 2014-07-28 02:20:27
our family so far are from london to hindmarsh sth australia, on the thorpe side of family carters mainly stayed at garston childwall + wavertree lancashire eng. to footscray victoria aus. also mary jones, alice davies, jane knowles, pembertons + smith. from england schofield + cotton. on mother side of family was dunstall - M - to carter . dunstall to taylor to symons , -M - drummond to drysdale, taylor has mary wilson married to father of william taylor who -M- mary symons. her mum janet drummond - M - james symons. her mum + dad hugh drummond -M anne Drysdale-