On this site I found that Sarah Ann Spillett travelled to New Zealand with her husband William Batt/Ball on the Adamant When I looked at the passengers listed on this ship - the above people were not included. Can anyone help - Thank you Maureen<scri :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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On this site I found that Sarah Ann Spillett travelled to New Zealand with her husband William Batt/Ball on the Adamant When I looked at the passengers listed on this ship - the above people were not included. Can anyone help - Thank you Maureen
Query by maureend

Sarah Ann Spillett was born with the surname Darrell

Surnames: NONE
Viewed: 1211 times
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by maureend Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2016-02-25 23:10:56

maureend has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2016.

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by ngairedith on 2016-02-25 23:43:55

Hi Maureen. I found the shipping lists were down last night. Only for maintenance I hope. Will check for you later and get back to you.
Did you check for alternate spelling?

by ngairedith on 2016-02-26 04:31:13

the shipping page is still down
can you give me the year please maureend?

found another list with a William & Sarah Ball on the 'London' into Bluff 1875 with 3 children - sound like them?

by ngairedith on 2016-02-26 04:40:41

this is the journal you are referring to and there is a lot of info there ...
There was also someone else looking who you may like to contact for help

by maureend on 2016-02-26 06:16:05

Thank you for your reply.
The William and Sarah on the Sip "London" sounds good.
Can you give me the information - or tell me where I can look to find this information - the name of the site - or is it available on this site?
I have just joined and am not aware of what is available
Thanks maureen

by ngairedith on 2016-02-26 06:50:36

no worries,
gee maureend my mistake lol, I was reading it incorrectly
the ship was indeed the ADAMANT and LEFT London 14 July 1875 arriving in Bluff 4 Dec 1875 (under Captain Tupman Highman) so that is even better ...

The PASSENGER LISTS of the two sailings for the Bargue Adamant, into Nelson 1874 & Bluff 1875

William 36
Sarah 27
Agnes 5
George 3
William 1

by maureend on 2016-02-28 04:12:29

Thank you so much for the information you have shared - brilliant
thanks maureen

by ngairedith on 2016-02-28 04:16:16

another page which may be of help during your research
Ancestor search in New Zealand

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