WAINWRIGHT Deaths Victoria Australia 1891-1920
Victoria Australia 1891-1920.
Born: -
Died: 1895 Beechworth Lun Asy, Victoria.
Age: 61 years.
Parents: unknown.
Thomas Robert.
Born: -
Died: 1895 Brunswick, Victoria.
Age: 54 years.
Parents: Thomas WAINWRIGHT & Annie GRIFFIN.
Born: -
Died: 1899 Bendigo Hospital, Victoria.
Age: 45 years.
Parents: unknown.
James Walter.
Born: -
Died: 1901 Cobram, Victoria.
Age: 30 years.
Parents: James Walter WAINWRIGHT & Mary Ellen SMYTH.
Alfred Sydney.
Born: 1875 Richmond, Victoria.
Died: 1904 Richmond, Victoria.
Age: 28 years.
Parents: George Alfred WAINWRIGHT & Sarah POPE.
Walter Henry.
Born: South Australia.
Died: 1909 Melbourne, Victoria.
Age: 60 years.
Parents: William WAINWRIGHT & Hannah GARRARD.
Born: 1861 Eaglehawk, Victoria.
Died: 1911 Prahran, Victoria.
Age: 50 years.
Parents: Mark WAINWRIGHT & Johanna MOLONEY.
William Martin.
Born: 1913 Dromana, Victoria.
Father: Named as Horatio Molynea WAINWRIGHT.
Mother: Named as Annette Ross BONG.
Died: 1914 Bendigo, Victoria.
Age: 01 year.
Death: Recorded as William WAINWRIGHT.
Parents: Horatio WAINWRIGHT & Ermetta BOAG.
Frederick Charles.
Born: South Australia.
Died: 1915 Armadale, Victoria.
Age: 61 years.
Parents: William Degidny WAINWRIGHT & Hannah GARRARD.
Born: -
Died: 1919 Ouyen, Victoria.
Age: 33 years.
Parents: unknown.
Born: -
Died: 1891 Hotham East, Victoria.
Age: 77 years.
Parents: John GERRARD & unknown.
Born: -
Died: 1891 Carlton, Victoria.
Age: 28 years.
Parents: William WAINWRIGHT & Margaret QUINLAN.
Born: -
Died: 1891 Clifton Hill Lun Asy, Victoria.
Age: 91 years.
Parents: unknown.
Born: 1880 Richmond, Victoria.
Died: 1900 Richmond, Victoria.
Age: 20 years.
Parents: George Alfred WAINWRIGHT & Sarah POPE.
Jane Elizabeth.
Born: London.
Died: 1901 Melbourne South Hospital, Victoria.
Age: 54 years.
Parents: George PRESTAGE & Jane LOCH.
Carol Mary.
Born: -
Died: 1905 Armadale, Victoria.
Age: 50 years.
Parents: Thomas JENKINS & Margaret CUNNINGHAM.
Born: London.
Died: 1905 Melbourne West, Victoria.
Age: 54 years.
Parents: Samuel BORAMAN & Harriet HARRISON.
Gwladys Marion.
Born: 1905 Warrnambool, Victoria.
Died: 1905 Warrnambool, Victoria.
Age: Days.
Parents: Harry Alfred WAINWRIGHT & Marion Christina NETTLETON.
Born: 1869 Edenhope, Victoria.
Mother: Named as Bryce THOMSON.
Father: Named as Alexander MILES.
Died: 1907 Carlton, Victoria.
Age: 38 years.
Parents: Alexander MILES & Brice Bruce THOMSON.
Born: -
Died: 1908 Warrnambool, Victoria.
Age: 62 years.
Parents: Benjamin POWELL & Mary LEWIN.
Mary Ann.
Born: -
Died: 1914 Fitzroy South, Victoria.
Age: 50 years.
Parents: William WAINWRIGHT & Margaret QUINLAN.
Born: 1885 Warrnambool, Victoria.
Parents: Named as per death.
Died: 1916 Heidelberg, Victoria.
Age: 31 years.
Parents: Thomas BROSNAN & Elizabeth CAMPBELL.
Compiled from the Victorian Birth and Death Indexes to assist others researching the WAINWRIGHT lines.
Please remember.
Information supplied by informants was not always correct.
Errors may include the wrong given names, age at death
and parents names of the deceased.
Also See:
WAINWRIGHT Deaths Victoria Australia 1852-1890
WAINWRIGHT marriages 1840-1875 Victoria Australia
JN 67786
on 2017-10-23 22:42:02
tonkin lives in Victoria, Australia.
Please note:
Journals are intended to assist new members locate family lines in Australia and should only be used as a guide for follow up research and record searches as intended. Due to spelling and informant errors appearing in the records, typo errors and my misreading of the records mistakes must be expected. Errors will be corrected when detected or advised.