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Loking for the parents of Mamie Treharne, NSW Australia

Mamie Traherne lived in Sydney in 1920-80. She died in Lismore in 1981. I am looking for records of her parents Georgina Yates and Treharne her father.I was told they were Welsh.

Looking for Brophey, Gunn, Sheridan, Tressiter, Treharne, Meredyth, Yates NSW Australia

The convict John Sheridan transported from Ireland on the Larkin to NSW in 1817, was also known as Dublin Jack Sheridan, for whom a reward was posted in the Sydney Gazette of 1826. He was freed by servitude, and appears to have had a son around 1857, William John Sheridan of Singleton NSW, whose daughter Maude Claire married into the Brophey family, free immigrants from Ireland.

Dublin Jack's great great granddaughter Jeanette Brophey married Brian Meredyth, descended from Old King Cole (Rodhri Mawr) and thereafter Sir Richard Meredyth who was a Bishop in Ireland in 1592, having spent 10 years in the Tower of London for treason, for which he was later exonerated by Elizabeth 1. His descendant Charles Augustus Jervis Meredyth was a taxi driver in Sandy Bay, Hobart, when he inherited the title, thus becoming known as the Cabman Baronet.Hence there has been a reunion in Australia of previous enemy factions in Ireland, after over 4 centuries.

2 comment(s), latest 14 years, 4 months ago