Looking for Duggan of Sydney Australia
I am looking for information on John and Mary Duggan who lived in the eastern suburbs of Sydney around 1900. As far as I know they came to Australia from Cork, Ireland and had 5 children one of whom was my grandfather, Frederick David Duggan who was born 1903? and married my grandmother Irene Bourke in 1928. Frederick died in 1950 from injuries sustained in WWII. I have no information about his sibblings or anthing else on his parents.
I am writing a family history for future generations and would love to trace the line back to Ireland.
Dear Paula, Hi. If you follow the link below, you will see listing of 9 possible children born to John DUGGAN with wife Mary between 1880 and 1906.
NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
Website is secure and you may purchase birth, death and marriage certificates online. Tip: I'd recommend purchasing the birth certificate of your grandfather first.
Purchase your grandfather's Death Certificate
DUGGAN Family Genealogy Forum
RootsWeb DUGGAN Board
794 records for DUGGAN in the National Archives of Australia
State Records Office of NSW ... type in DUGGAN in the keyname term section, then click on submit. Will have probates, convict data, assisted immigrants, passenger details etc.etc.
DUGGAN Family Crest and Name History
Rootschat.com - Ireland board