Looking for Spiteri of Malta
My grand parents from Malta were Edward Spiteri/Concetta Fittani some of their children were Mary (Flores)/ Rose (Macinnon)/ Lois (Spiteri)
on 2011-11-23 04:10:37
Looking for extended family: Spiteri/Vassallo Hamrun/Malta
if there atr any Spiteri/Vassallo relations out there that don't mind being invalved please respond to this link.
My daughter's godparents were Vassallo, Victor and Angela Vassallo from Pendle Hill nsw they migrated about 1955 from St.Paul's Bay. They produced Table Talk Chickens. I think Angela's maiden name was either spiteri of Bartolo. I have photographs of that family.
Would you mind sending the photos and any other info on these people mentioned above. and could you find out who their parents were. I need to view records in order to verifiy family geneolagy. Thank you. I will contact you again if there is any connection. Thanks for your help.
and would you mind giving me the names of the siblings of the grandparents mentioned above.