mary gillespie of west point,clay, mississippi
born:7/24/1903-west point,clay,mississippi.
died:01/24/1964-new orleans,la. in the 1930 census ,she has 3 children listed. mary l gillespie-5 years; james gillespie-2 years; william gillespie-5 months.when i go back any further i lose her .there is a mary henderson in the 1910 census,but i'm not sure that's her.i'm trying to find a copy of her birth certificate to find out the names of her parents,so that i can go further back. thank you.
i found out from her death certificate, she was born in west point,clay,mississippi. her father's name was james ramsey. her mother's name was nancy foster.she is listed in the 1930 census , both in starkville,oktibbeha,mississippi. and west point,clay,mississippi.her husband's name was will gillespie.she was married to him before 1920,by then she was also a widow.she is listed on her death certificate way back then as a janitoress at celotex.