The WILKES Family + Peeress Town, Timaru
A journal written for Honeymeade who is looking for her ancestors. On 23 June 2019 she wrote .. Albert & Ann Wilkes and family were sent to Waimate after landing in 1874 off the 'Peeress'. I am a descendant of their second daughter Karen who at some stage changed her name to Carey Ann. She married in Timaru to Edward Newton. My mothers grandparents. Where and for whom did Albert work? ..
* I have first written about the 'Peeress' and the immigrants to Timaru. This will give Honeymeade and everyone else who had ancestors on the 'Peeress', an insight of what their ancestors arrived to, their living conditions etc.
* beneath that I have Albert & Ann Wilkes, their children, grandchildren and lives.
The PEERESS London to Lyttelton
PEERESS TOWN got its name from the ship 'Peeress' which sailed into Lyttelton 23 July 1874, then transported the immigrants destined for Timaru, on the steamers 'Comerang' and 'Wellington'. Living conditions were pretty horrendous, as noted below and those that were able, soon left the area to find better living accommodation.
Timaru Herald, 24 July 1874
.. The Ship Peeress, from London, Captain Miller, with 300 immigrants (164 statute adults) on board for Timaru, arrived at Lyttelton yesterday, 118 days out from Gravesend. Four births occurred during the voyage and six deaths. The telegram from which we obtain this information says that the passengers will be forwarded to Timaru today (Friday) by the Comerang, so that the vessel will not come to this port, as anticipated. The Immigration Officer, Mr LeCren, received a telegram yesterday, stating that Mr March, the Chief Immigration officer, had started for the South to assist in providing accommodation, and in distributing the immigrants and that he would be in Geraldine to-day. An advertisement appears in another column, intimating that persons desirous of obtaining labor will find immigrants open for engagement, after Monday next, at the barracks at Timaru, Temuka, Geraldine and Waimate.
Timaru Herald, 27 July 1874
.. The roadstead presented an unusual lively appearance on Saturday morning last, three steamers arriving pretty nearly together and another riding at anchor at the time. The one at anchor was the s.s.Maori, which arrived on Friday morning from Lyttelton with a large cargo, but owing to the heavy break on shore no communication was affected and she moved out to an anchorage about two miles from the land. The vessels which arrived on the following day were the s.s.Claud Hamilton from Lyttelton, with a small cargo on board for this port and the s.s.Wellington and s.s.Comerang, with the immigrants by the Peeress.
.. On the Wellington there were 35 families, 35 single men and 14 single women; and on the Comerang 16 families, 4 single men and 8 single women; also 5 immigrants from the Eastern Monarch.
.. The sea was, if anything, more boisterous than on the previous day and as there was no possibility of any communication being made with the shore, the vessels cruised about in the roadstead for a few hours. Ultimately the Wellington and Comerang dropped anchors for the night near the Maori and at about noon, after transferring two or three passengers to the Wellington, the Claud Hamilton proceeded on her voyage southwards. The passing of another night on board the steamers was not a pleasant prospect for the immigrants, but by a little scheming very fair accommodation was afforded.
.. The Comerang, as is well known, is well adapted for the conveyance of passengers and on the Wellington good shift was made by giving the married and single women the cabin and the married and single men the steerage.
Early yesterday morning, the sea being pretty favorable for landing, the Comerang and Wellington came to an inner anchorage and steam having been got up at the Landing Services, a cargo boat was despatched from each Service at about half-past seven, to take the immigrants and their luggage, the debarkation being concluded at about 11 o'clock.
.. A large number of persons assembled on the beach to witness the landing, some being friends or relatives of the immigrants. The immigrants, upon landing, were conveyed to the quarters provided for them, the families to the drill-shed on LeCren's Terrace, the single women to the barracks in North street and the single men to the old barracks on the Main road. The Wellington, after parting with her passengers, steamed away for DUnedin
Timaru Herald, 27 July 1874
.. Rarely has there been seen a larger number of persons on the beach at Timaru, than assembled there yesterday morning, to witness the debarkation of the immigrants by the Peeress, from the steamers Wellington and Comerang. A good many of the townspeople turned out and there were also present several people from the country, who had relations or friends among the immigrants.
.. A boat was despatched from the Landing and Shipping Company's Service and another from the Government Service at about half past seven in the morning and by eleven all of the immigrants were ashore, two boats being launched by the former service and one by the latter.
.. Altogether there were landed 51 families equal to 165 adults, 39 single men and 22 single women by the Peeress and five immigrants by the Eastern Monarch. Mr Marshman came down in one of the steamers in charge of the immigrants.
.. Upon landing, the immigrants were conveyed to the quarters set apart for them. The single girls were placed in the barracks in North Street, the single men in the old barracks on the Main road and the families in the drill shed on LeCren's terrace. The single women and men were very well provided for, but the families, as regarded accommodation, fared somewhat roughly in their quarters. A table with forms each side extended along the centre of the room for convenience at meals and two stoves were placed on one corner of the immigrants were obliged to camp for the night on the open floor, the room for cooking, but no sleeping accommodation was provided and the only partitions being one here and there that they erected themselves during the afternoon.
.. The single men look a very useful lot and the single women appear healthy, but the whole of the immigrants have a dingy look, a look however, that only requires a little good water and proper food to remove. They all speak highly of the officers of the ship and of the way in which they were treated on the passage, but stated that not being used to the ship's food, it had a bad effect on them. A number of the immigrants will be forwarded to the various barracks in the outlying districts today.
Timaru Herald, 27 July 1874
... as a rule the man who is not a bona fide laborer, thinks that he is and under this delusion fancies himself quite on a par as regard wages, with the thoroughly well-tried and well-seasoned colonial. He asks 8s per diem, his actual value being 5s and a refusal on the part of the employer causes the applicant to curse the country and vow he would sooner starve than take less than one shilling the hour. New arrivals are generally very conceited of the abilities, very ignorant of the ways of the country and very determined in the matter of wages ... more at link
Timaru Herald, 10 Aug 1874
Several of the newly arrived immigrants ex Peeress, began on Thursday last, the erection of huts on the Government reserve at Patiti Point. The men appear gratified with the help, little as it is, afforded by the Government towards the building of the cottages and naturally enough desire to quit with their families the barracks where they are so inconveniently crowded
Timaru Herald, 1 Jan 1878
.. In the course of some remarks which we made recently regarding the cottages occupied by immigrants on the Government reserves, we ventured a suggestion that the present tenants should be offered an opportunity of acquiring a freehold under certain conditions. We have since made further inquiries into this subject and find that somewhat cogent reasons are advanced for not applying the proposed course of action at least to Peeress Town. The land on which that hamlet stands was originally chosen with great care for a quarantine ground, for which it is admirably suited, by both position and extent.
.. There is no knowing how soon it may be required for its proper purpose and it would manifestly be unwise in the extreme, to alienate any portion of it. It is not by any means too large; but, even supposing it contained a greater area than is ever likely to be needed for quarantine buildings, the proximity of a crowded village in immediate contiguity to the barracks, would render the isolation of the sick practically impossible.
If, however, it is inexpedient to give the people of Peeress Town a permanent tenure of their habitations, on account of the land being part of a quarantine reserve, it is equally injudicious to afford them a prolonged domicile there. In short, if they are not to be allowed to buy their places, the sooner they are removed altogether the better.
.. The accounts which we have received of most of them are not such as to make this course appear in any respect an unmerited hardship. In the first place, it seems to us most unreasonable that able-bodied men should be enabled by favor to the Government to live free of rent and rates, while equally deserving people living just across the road, have to pay both. There is obviously no sense in such a system and it ought never to have been allowed to come into existence.
.. When we speak of the Peeress Town tenants living rent free, we are quite aware that a nominal rent of a shilling a week is payable by them. That, however, is virtually no rent at all, the ruling rate of rent of private property being considered; and yet, in a great many cases, even the shilling a week is not paid.
.. We believe that the Immigration Officer has actually sued for rent in one or two instances and though, of course, he got judgment, has never been able to get the money to this day. Then again, the sanitary condition of the place affords a strong ground for not maintaining the present occupation of it a day longer than is necessary.
.. Peeress Town is neither in the Borough of Timaru, nor in the Levels Road District, so that it is literally outside of any local control whatever. We have reason to believe that many of the tenements there are in an extremely filthy state; that there is no drainage at all and that the refuse and sewage of the whole village has simply been allowed to permeate the soil, ever since the first immigrants took up their abode in it.
.. We need scarcely say what the consequences of this neglect of ordinary sanitary precautions are likely to be. Not only is the neighbourhood already liable to suffer at any time from an outbreak of malignant fever, but it will not be suitable for habitation for a considerable time to come, even though cleanly habits may be observed for the future.
.. It seems then that Peeress Town has been permitted to drift, both morally and physically, into a highly objectionable condition - a condition not compatible with justice or safety to the rest of the community. The Government are solely responsible for this anomalous state of things; and on them alone devolves the task of remedying it.
.. We recognise at once the difficulties which present themselves to removing the population from a spot where they may be deemed to be settle by a kind of left-handed tenure. We do not, however, at all go with those who say that, wrong and foolish as it may have been to allow any kind of right of occupation to grow up, it is impossible to turn these people out of their dwellings now.
.. We say that, if it is just and necessary and for the general good, that they should be turned out, there ought to be no hesitation in adopting that course. House room is both plentiful and cheap in Timaru just now and employment can readily be obtained at high wages; so that the present time seems particularly opportune for breaking up the establishment at Peeress Town.
.. There are, we understand, a few families or individuals, not being immigrants, who are supplied with a house there, avowedly as a benevolence. The position of these, must, of course, be taken into consideration and some arrangement must be made for their protection either at Peeress Town or elsewhere.
.. The rest of the inhabitants should be removed as soon as may be found practicable. It has been represented to us that this cannot be done, for the simple reason that the people will not go, unless compelled by force to do so. We do not think it at all likely though, that the authorities have any cause for anxiety on that score.
.. If reasonable notice to quit, say a month in advance, were given, we have no doubt that all the respectable cottagers would be found to have ensconced themselves in new homes, before the end of that period. The case of those who should persist in remaining, in defiance of everybody, could then be easily met by pulling down all the cottages and removing the debris.
.. This will have to be done sooner or later, because it will never do to have a collection of huts standing empty on the outskirts of the town, the haunt of prowlers and all bad characters. It will be necessary too to make a clean sweep before the reserve can be restored to a wholesome state. We would suggest therefore that the course we have indicated should be recommended to the Government by the municipal body and the Immigration Officer. As soon as it have been completely carried out, the quarantine reserve should be completely fenced and planted and temporarily incorporated with the Domain; thus furnishing a picturesque feature to the town and supplying the public with an additional recreation ground. A very thrifling display of activity on the part of the local authorities would put all these improvements in train and we hope to see the requisite effort made without delay.
Timaru Herald, 22 Dec 1882
We are informed on good authority that the Government have determined to cause the present residents on the quarantine and fortification reserve to remove to other quarters and to have the cottages they occupy razed to the ground. "Peeress Town" is picturesque from a distance, but the existence of such a set of shanties close to a town like Timaru is an anomaly that has called for removal for some time.
Timaru Herald, 24 Aug 1883
.. The collection of sod cabins which have collectively borne the name of Peeress Town for so many years past, will soon no longer exist and the sooner they are destroyed the better for the moral tone of the town.
.. Mr March, Immigration Officer, has given instructions to raze to the ground all the cabins at present unoccupied and to deal similarly with the others as soon as they become unoccupied. The land will then be sown down in English grass. Peeress Town is a suburb close to Patiti Point and has from time to time afforded shelter to some of the worst characters that ever infested Timaru.
Timaru Herald, 13 July 1886
PEERESS TOWN The following report has been made on the above township by Mr March, Immigration officer. Mr March visited the township about a fortnight ago and has made the report at the instance of the Minister for Lands. The report is as follows:- "I inspected Peeress Town on June 17th. A number of the cottages have been removed eighteen families still remain there; they appear to be quiet, respectable people. I made private enquiries, through the police and could not find any serious complaint against any of them. The only fault the officer who collects the rent has to find is that some of the occupiers are in a position to pay and will not do so. As we stated in a previous memorandum, I am of opinion that (so far as the Immigration Department is concerned) these cottages have done their duty. It would seem almost a pity, however, in the present depressed state of the labour market, to pull them all down, as several of them have been made comfortable little homes. I found also that of the eighteen families, five are in receipt aid. In one case the husband is in the lunatic asylum. There cannot be a doubt, therefore, that if these cottages were all removed the South Canterbury Hospital and Charitable Aid Board would be called on to expend a considerable sum of money in rents. The reserve on which these cottages is erected is a reserve for military defence and may be required at any time. I mention this because I understand both the Borough Council of Timaru and the South Canterbury Charitable Aid Board are anxious to obtain this reserve. I had an interview with the mayor of Timaru who is also chairman of the Charitable Aid Board and gathered from him that the board would wish the cottages to remain as they are, on condition that the tenants who can pay their rents should do so and that the board should be allowed the use of these cottages which are at present occupied by charitable aid cases. As I ascertained that several of the occupiers were in a position to pay the rent owing, I gave them one month's notice to do so and also informed them that they must now find other quarters.
NOTE This is a work in progress and information may not be verified. It will be changed often. Treat it all as a guide only to your own research.
★ ALBERT WILKES (1841-1882)
was born in Tysoe, Warwickshire to John Wilkes (1801-1892) & Eliza Hancox (1810-1891)
NOTES on Albert
* Albert's mother Eliza, married George Soden (1806-1888) on 30 July 1827.
They had at least 4 children:
1831 - Francis William Soden
1832 - John Soden
1834 - Lucy Matilda Soden
1836 - Thomas Soden
George Soden then deserted his family. There was a £1 reward out for information on his whereabouts. Eliza next bigamously married John Wilkes on 30 Jan 1837, listing herself as a widow. Husband George did not die until 1888 at Banbury and was found on the 1851, 1861 & 1881 census living at Hook Norton with his "housekeeper" Sarah Borsberry. Eliza lived to be 91 years old and was supposedly a "white witch"
* Albert had a younger sister named Caron Wilkes. This may be the correct spelling of his daughter Karen Ann's name. Maybe it was transcribed differently along the way (as they do). That would go a long way in explaining her use of the name Carey (nickname? Caron/'Carey').
* In the 1851 Census, Albert's parents & siblings were not spelled with an e in Wilks
★ ANN JEFFS BLOXHAM (1846-1909)
was born in Tysoe, Warwickshire, to Joseph Bloxham (1806-1867) & Sarah Jeffs (1815-1886) who married 7 Dec 1833 in Brailes, Warwickshire.
John Wilks & Ann Bloxham married 22 Sep 1862 at Saint Lawrence, Darlaston, Stafford, England.
.. Marriage Record 22 Sep 1862
.. Albert Wilks. Birth Date: 1841. Age: 21
.. Father's Name: John Wilks
.. Ann Bloxham. Birth Date: 1846. Age: 16
.. Father's Name: Joseph Bloxham
* a photo of the old church here
ALBERT & ANN's children born in England
.. 1 ..
1864 - 1931 Amy Sophia Wilkes
* Christened 28 Aug 1864 in Tysoe, Warwickshire
Amy married William James Baldwin (1854-1923) on 16 Jan 1883
their known children
* 1884 - 1967 Ellen Matilda Jane 'Nellie' Baldwin
.. + Reginald Badman 1902
* 1887 - 1964 James William Baldwin
.. + Florence Sophia Patricia Driscole 1909
* 1890 - 1938 Amelia Mary Baldwin
.. + Charles Edward Towns 1908
.. William James Baldwin died 20 Dec 1923
AMY SOPHIA Baldwin died 3 Jan 1931
.. They are buried Plot 110F, Block 8 at Eastern Cemetery
.. In loving memory of
William James Baldwin
Died 20th Dec 1923 aged 69 years
.. And his wife
Amy Sophia Baldwin
Died 3rd Jan 1931 Aged 66 years
For ever with The Lord
.. 2 ..
1866 - Theresa Wilkes
* Born 1866 in Tysoe, Warwickshire.
In the 1871 Census she was at home with:
* Albert Wilkes aged 29 - Head
* Ann Wilkes aged 24
* Amey Wilkes aged 7 - daughter
* Theresa Wilkes aged 5 - daughter
* Thomas Wilkes aged 4 - son
* James Wilkes aged 1 - son
* William Bloxham aged 2 - nephew
.. Theresa was not on the ships list. Her death not yet found
.. 3 ..
1867 - 1943 Karen/Caron Ann Wilkes
(see Albert's notes above re her name)
* Christened 24 Nov 1867 at Tysoe, Warwickshire, same day as brother Thomas
Karen married Edward Henry Newton (1862-1929) in Timaru 24 July 1883
.. name recorded as Caroline
* Edward was a son of Edward Prebble Newton (1830-1915, buried Taruheru, Gisborne) & Sarah Fittall (1830-1891, buried Timaru) who married 6 Aug 1853 in Kent and arrived into Lyttelton 20 March 1859 on the Mystery
their known children
.. name recorded as Caroline on each birth
* 1883 - 1883 Frank Henry Newton
.. born 2 Aug, died 25 Oct aged 12 weeks
* 1884 - 1945 Ellen Newton
.. + Charles Howard Gullery 30 June 1905
....Ellen & sister Amelia had a double wedding at their parents' home in Picton. Ellen & Charles had 9 children, moved to Wanganui, Ellen walked out, they divorced in 1939.
* 1886 - 1971 Amelia Newton
.. + Alfred Stephen Bartlett 30 June 1905
* 1889 - 1977 Frederick Albert Newton
.. + Harriet Florence Hill 1937
* 1891 - 1975 Florence Mabel Newton
.. + John Peter David Le Comte 1913
* 1893 - 1957 Thomas William Newton
.. + Elizabeth Fitzsimons 1915
.. daughter of Thomas Fitzsimons (1829-1913) & Elizabeth Chitham (1835-1917)
.. Edward Henry Newton died 19 Sep 1929
Karen Newton died 24 March 1943
.. name recorded Carey Ann Napeth? Newton
.. They are buried Plot 17, Block 22 in Picton. Her name is Carey Ann on the headstone
.. 4 ..
1867 - 1951 Thomas Wilkes
* Christened 24 Nov 1867 in Tysoe, Warwickshire, same day as sister Karen
Thomas married Letitia Moore (1871-1947) on 27 Dec 1894
their known children
* 1898 - 1968 Lawrence Raymond Geary Wilkes
.. + Elizabeth Alice Wood 1929
* 1903 - 1995 Doreen Lambert Wilkes
.. + Walshaw James Charles Berry 1928
* 1910 - 1942 Norman John Wilkes
.. + Delama May Scott 1935
.. Letitia Wilkes died 25 Aug 1947 aged 74
THOMAS Wilkes died 10 June 1951 aged 83
.. They are buried Plot 3, Block 19 in Eastern Cemetery Invercargill with his mother Ann & 12 hour old nephew Allan Wilkes (not on the headstone)
.. In loving memory of
Ann Williamson
Died 9 March 1909 aged 62.
.. Also Letitia
dearly loved wife of Thomas Wilkes
died 23rd Aug 1947 aged 76 years
.. Also the above Thomas Wilkes
died 10th June 1951 aged 83 years.
.. At Rest.
.. 5 ..
1870 - 1954 James Wilkes
(on the ship list as Jane)
* Christened 30 Oct 1870 at Tysoe, Warwickshire
James married Fanny Williams (1877-1949) in 1895
(they later separated)
their known children
* 1896 - 1916 Randolph Wilkes
.. buried Eastern Cemetery
* 1897 - 1985 James Henry Wilkes
.. + Vida Agnes Chisholm 1922
.. buried Ruru Lawn, Christchurch
* 1899 - 1978 Arnold John Albert Wilkes
.. + Ida Marion Shields 1923
.. buried Eastern Cemetery
* 1901 - 1964 Frederick Alexander 'Fred' Wilkes
.. + Henrietta Ritchie 'Etta' Rattray 1929
.. buried Eastern Cemetery
* 1904 - 1979 Francis Edward 'Frank' Wilkes
.. + Elsie Margaret Clarke (1907-1950) 1935
.. buried with mother Fanny, Ruru Lawn
* 1923 - 2009 Merven Vivian Wilkes
.. buried Avonhead Park, Christchurch
* James & Fanny separated (not divorced) sometime after 1923, although there is a large gap between the last 2 children 1904-1923 so could have been earlier
FANNY died 21 Oct 1949
Otago Daily Times, 24 Oct 1949
Wilkes - On October 21 1949, at Christchurch, Fanny, dearly loved mother of James, Arnold, Fred, Frank, Mervyn and the late Randolph Wilkes (late of 8 Manning Place, Woolston) - Interment at Christchurch To-day (Monday), October 24 1949
.. Fanny is buried Plot 223, Block 41 at Ruru Lawn
JAMES died 29 Aug 1954
.. He is buried with his son Randolph in Plot 247, Block 23 at Eastern cemetery
.. In loving memory of
Private Randolph Wilkes
Beloved eldest son of
James & Fanny Wilkes
Who died at Featherston Military
Camp 8th Dec 1916 aged 20 years
Till we meet at Jesus feet
.. Also his father
James Wilkes
Died 29th Aug 1954 aged 84 years
NOTES On Randolph Wilkes
* Served as Private with NZ Medical Corps. Next of kin was his father James Wilkes, at Myross Bush, Southland. He died at Featherston Camp of Broncho-Pneumonia following measles
Southland Times, 12 Dec 1916
For The Empire's Cause WILKES - At Featherston Military Camp, on Friday, December 8 1916, Private Randolph Wilkes, 21st Reinforcements, beloved eldest son of James and Fanny Wilkes, of Myross Bush; aged 20 years. Deeply mourned.
.. 6 ..
1872 - 1949 Frank William Wilkes
* Christened 25 Feb 1872 in Tysoe, Warwickshire
Frank married Ellen ? (1878-1962)
FRANK died 1 July 1949
* Frank wrote his Last Will & Testament 2 July 1945 .. of me Frank William Wilkes of Invercargill, Labourer, hereby bequeath all my real and personal estates of whatever kind and wheresoever situated to my wife Ellen Wilkes and I appoint my said wife to be sole Executrix .. etc. His Probate was stamped 19 July 1949 in Invercargill. Ellen received £507 12s 8d (equivalent 2019 to $37,500)
.. Ellen died 29 April 1962
.. They are buried Plot 259, Block 33 at Eastern Cemetery, Invercargill
.. In loving memory of
Frank W. Wilkes
Died 1st July 1949 aged 76 years
.. Also his beloved wife Ellen
Died 29th April 1962 aged 84 years
.. 7 ..
1874 - 1953 Frederick Albert Wilkes
* Christened 28 March 1874 at Holy Trinity, St Andrews Mission, Milton by Gravesend, Kent
Frederick married Louisa Hermann (1873-1947) on 1 July 1899
* daughter of Alexander Ludwig Hermann & Louisa Menck of Dunedin
their known children
* 1900 - 1963 Henry Albert Wilkes
* 1904 - 1978 Louisa May Wilkes
.. + Arthur Thomas Howie 1932
* 1906 - 1985 Doris Edna Wilkes
.. + Frederick Gordon Ross 1929
* 1908 - 1961 Irene Dulcie Wilkes
.. + Arthur Henry Finn 1936
* 1911 - Ruby Ellen Wilkes
.. + Cuthbert Wilmer Pedler 1934
* 1914 - 1914 Allan Wilkes (aged 12 hours)
* 1915 - 2007 Edith Lorraine Wilkes
.. + Leslie Frank Kingsland 1937
FREDERICK ALBERT Wilkes died 9 Aug 1953
.. Louisa Wilkes died 18 Jan 1956 aged 79
.. They are buried Plot 443, Block 34 at Eastern cemetery, Invercargill
.. In loving memory of
Frederick Albert
Beloved husband of
Louisa Wilkes
Died 9th Aug 1963 aged 79 years
.. Also his wife
Louisa Wilkes
Died 16th Jan 1956 aged 79 years
When Frederick was 3 months old, Albert, Ann and their 6 children boarded The PEERESS to emigrate to New Zealand. It left London 29 March 1874 and sailed into Lyttelton on 23 July 1874 with around 300 passengers (see passenger list at link). Albert & Ann were told they would be settled in Timaru and they boarded a steamer, either the 'Wellington' or the 'Comerang' a couple of days later. The story is at top. The photo below was taken in 1874 where they landed in Timaru
ALBERT & ANN's children born in New Zealand
.. 8 ..
1875 - 1876 John Wilkes
* John was born on 28 Oct 1875, 15 months after they settled in Timaru. He died on 17 Feb 1876 aged 4 months. His burial not yet found. Don't know if they were still in Peeress Town
.. 9 ..
1877 - 1952 John Henry Wilkes
* John was born on 28 May 1877
John married Grace Phoebe Price (1875-1934) on 24 Nov 1903
their known children
* 1905 - 1985 Winifred Grace Wilkes
* 1906 - 1978 Raymond John Wilkes
* 1908 - Rita Jean Wilkes
.. + Donald Boag Henderson 1930
* 1910 - 1968 Herbert Charles Wilkes
.. + Myra Rose Hunt
* 1911 - Linda Alice Wilkes
* 1913 - 1994 Mabel Annie Wilkes
.. + Robert Sutton Jones 1935
* 1917 - 1983 Ida Mary Wilkes
.. + Mervyn Gordon Brown 1938
* 1919 - 2002 Wallace Wilkes
.. Grace Phoebe Wilkes died 5 Sep 1934 aged 59
JOHN HENRY Wilkes died 15 May 1952 aged 75
.. They are buried Plot 184, Block 24 at Eastern cemetery, Invercargill with grandson Ray Sutton Jones
.. In loving memory of
Grace Phoebe
Beloved wife of
John Henry Wilkes
Who fell asleep 3rd Sep 1934
.. Also the above
John Henry
Died 15th May 1952
Aged 75 years
Asleep until the resurrection
In loving memory of
Our wee son
Ray Sutton Jones
Accidentally drowned
22nd Nov 1938
Aged 14 months
Asleep in the arms of Jesus
NOTE Ray was a son of Robert Sutton Jones (1914-2001) & Mabel Annie Wilkes (1913-1992), daughter of John & Grace
.. 10 ..
1878 - 1959 Ellen Matilda Wilkes
* Ellen was born on 24 Aug 1878
Ellen married William John Atkinson in 1897
their known children
* 1898 - Ethel May Atkinson
ELLEN died 15 July 1959 aged 80
.. 11 ..
1880 - 1962 Alice Maud Mary Wilkes
* Alice was born on 12 June 1880
Alice married Alfred Ernest 'Alf' Stuck (1872-1959) 1900
* Alf was born in Southland to Samuel John Stuck & Catherine Agnes Hayes who are buried at Orepuki
their known children
(born in Invercargill)
* 1905 - 1906 Olive Lavina Stuck
.. buried with cousin Nellie Badman
* 1906 - 1998 Ivy Muriel Stuck
.. + John Thomas Morton 1927
* 1908 - Annie Selina Catherine Stuck
.. + Gordon Kenneth Brooks 1927
* 1910 - 1995 Eric John Albert Stuck
* 1913 - 1990 Blanche Irene Mavis Stuck
.. + Fredrick Charles Moore 1938
* 1915 - 2007 Alice Maud Mary Myrtle Stuck
.. + Leonard Lewis Trigger 1933
.. The family moved north to Taranaki sometime after the children were born.
.. Alfred Ernest Stuck died 8 Feb 1959 aged 86
ALICE MAUD MARY Stuck died 27 Oct 1962 aged 82
.. They are buried together Plot 1, Lot 4, Row 6 at Te Henui
ALBERT Wilkes was killed in an accident 28 Dec 1882 aged 41
Southland Times, 29 Dec 1882
FATAL ACCIDENT An accident which terminated fatally, occurred in Myross Bush yesterday at about 11 o'clock. Two men named Findlay and Albert Wilkes were engaged in bush-felling and had successfully felled a tree, when a neighbouring tree, which had been burnt at the roots some time since and beneath which Wilkes was standing, fell without any warning upon him, death being instantaneous, Deceased was 41 years of age, a married man and, we regret to chronicle, leaves a wife and nine children in very indigent circumstances. He had been a resident in Southland for about sixteen months and previous to that was employed similarly for over seven years in the Waimate bush
Otago Witness, 6 Jan 1883
A bushman named Wilks was killed by the falling of a tree at Myross Bush last week. He leaves a wife and 10 children unprovided for.
* He is buried Plot 1X, Block 1 in the Free Ground at Eastern cemetery, Invercargill
Southland Times, 1 Aug 1885
Unregistered Dogs Mrs Ann Wilks, for having kept three unregistered dogs at Myross Bush, was fined 20s for each dog.
ANN Wilkes remarried on 27 Oct 1885 to Arthur Williamson (1831-1899). She was 38. He was 54
.. Southland Times, 30 Oct 1888
POLICE COURT At this Court yesterday morning, Arthur Williamson, recently of Pebbly Hills, was charged with having failed to provide his wife, Ann Williamson, with adequate means of support. Mr Beade appeared for complainant and Mr MacAlister for the defendant. After hearing the evidence his Worship dismissed the information
.. Southland Times, 25 Aug 1893
MAINTENANCE Arthur Williamson, of Myross Bush, an elderly man, was charged by his wife with neglecting to contribute towards her support. Mr Wade appeared for complainant; Mr Raymond for defendant. The information was dismissed by Mr Rawson, as it was shown that defendant, who has lived apart from his wife for some time past, has only earned on an average 10s per week of late and that complainant is in fairly comfortable circumstances
* Arthur Williamson died 4 Sep 1899 aged 68 and is buried in the same free plot as Albert (this is probably a common 'pauper' plot so would have a number of other burials)
ANN Williamson died 10 March 1909
.. Southland Times, 11 March 1909
WILLIAMSON - At the Southland Hospital on Tuesday, 9th March 1909, Ann Williamson, relict of the late Arthur Williamson, of Myross Bush; aged 62 years. The funeral will leave the residence of her son, Thomas Wilkes, No 9 Teviot street, Enwood, South Invercargill, at 1 o'clock p.m. on Saturday, the 13th inst., for the Eastern Cemetery. Friends please accept this (the only) intimation.
* She is buried with son Thomas - see child #4 above
Patiti Point, Timaru 1874 with Captain Miller
(the first European settlement in Timaru)
A boat and crew in front of the Government Landing Services building. The Landing Service Building was unique to New Zealand, possibly to Australasia. Constructed of local volcanic basalt (aka bluestone) the building was European settlers’ solution to a lack of a natural harbour. Sailing ships would anchor off shore, smaller boats would be hauled to and from the ship by cable and unloaded inside the building.
photo from South Canterbury Museum
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on 2019-06-24 01:00:44
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.
I'm James Henry Wilkes' great-grandaughter.