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Researching the Milstead Surname

Journal by bob_milstead

I have been researching the Milstead surname for a number of years and have a large database of information on Milsteads and their relations in America. In particular, most of the people in my database are descended from Edward Milstead who was supposedly born in Kent, England (a lot of people think Bethersden, Kent, but I have not been able to find a record to verify this) and was transported as an indentured servant in 1674, winding up in Port Tobacco, Maryland.

I am the project administrator for the Y-DNA project for the Milstead surname.

I also have a collection of several hundred old photo images of various branches of the Milstead family and would be interested in adding your family photos taken before 1950 to the collection. The image attached to this post is an example of those photos. It is a tintype of James Milstead, from an undetermined branch of the family.

There are many supposed connections among various individuals in this family group for which actual documentary evidence is scarce or non-existent and I would be interested in sharing notes with any others researching this family.

Surnames: MILSTEAD
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by bob_milstead Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2019-09-01 12:51:44

bob_milstead has been a Family Tree Circles member since Sep 2019.

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by janilye on 2019-09-01 14:23:46

The village in Kent called Milstead

user nena58 deactivated

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