LOPEZ Family Tree and LOPEZ Genealogy Records
LOPEZ wiki
López is a surname of Spanish origin. It was originally a patronymic, meaning "Son of Lope", Lope itself being a Spanish given name deriving from Latin lupus, meaning "wolf". The surname is first attested in Old Castile in the heart of Spain, where the name originated in Visigothic times; however, the name is not of Germanic origin. Its Portuguese equivalent is Lopes, its Italian equivalent is Lupo, its French equivalent is Loup (or Leu), its Romanian equivalent is LUPU or LUPESCU and its Valencian equivalent is LLOPIS.
López is the fifth most common hispanic surname globally and in Spain and the USA. It is the most common surname in the province of Lugo. In the UK, it is the most common Spanish surname in the United Kingdom.
Geographical distribution
As of 2014, 34.8% of all known bearers of the surname López were residents of Mexico (frequency 1:40), 10.0% of Spain (1:52), 8.2% of Guatemala (1:22), 7.3% of the United States (1:547), 7.1% of Colombia (1:75), 5.0% of Argentina (1:96), 3.8% of Venezuela (1:88), 2.7% of Honduras (1:36), 2.7% of Peru (1:131), 2.6% of the Philippines (1:438), 2.5% of Nicaragua (1:27), 2.1% of Cuba (1:62), 1.8% of Ecuador (1:99), 1.6% of El Salvador (1:44), 1.4% of Paraguay (1:56), 1.3% of Chile (1:148) and 1.1% of Bolivia (1:104).
2010 US Census data for LOPEZ
This surname is in the top 162,000 names in the US Census from 2010. (There must be at least 100 to make the list).
There are 874523 LOPEZ records listed in the 2010 US Census, and it is the Number 12 ranked name. A LOPEZ makes up 296.47 of every 100k people in the population.
Other US Census data for LOPEZ
4.86% are White Alone (Non-Hispanic)
0.57% are Black Alone (Non-Hispanic Black or African American Alone)
92.92% are Hispanic or Latino origin
1.02% are Asian Alone (Non-Hispanic Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone)
0.38% are American Indian (Non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native Alone)
0.25% Non-Hispanic Two or More Races
LOPEZ Family History and LOPEZ Family Genealogy Journals
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by allycat on 2006-09-13 21:46:51. page views: 7304, comments: 1
by carolburns on 2006-07-08 08:07:01. page views: 3590, comments: 15
by louisianagenealogyblogs on 2008-05-30 17:58:44. page views: 5372, comments: 1
by degro on 2006-05-21 15:10:51. page views: 2621, comments: 1
by cindyloucooley on 2006-02-15 16:56:03. page views: 2351, comments: 0
by zonia on 2004-07-07 12:59:08. page views: 1978, comments: 0
by Illskidy on 2004-07-07 01:01:54. page views: 1816, comments: 0