Wisewoman on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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The Search for Harriet Hughes

For years now I have been searching for information on my maternal ggg-grandmother. Ideally I'd like to go back even farther in the maternal line, but I'm stuck at Harriet Hughes, b. Dec 23, 1837, somewhere in Great Britain.

Harriet came to North America in August 1849 on the packet ship Sheridan, in the company of Archibald Beattie (Beattey), gentleman, his wife and family. She was 11 years old. She may have been travelling with them as a servant, or she may have been related to them, a niece or cousin.

I know a good deal about Harriet's life after she arrived in Canada, married Theodore Coates Lusty, and had several children, settling in Hornings Mills, Ontario.

What I'd really like to know is where she was born, and who her parents were. I think my best plan may be to search for information on Archibald Beattie, in the hope that Harriet was related to the family. Mr. Beattie was 39 at the time the Sheridan sailed, so he had been born about 1810.

I'd be happy to hear from any Beattie researchers who may have an Archibald that matches these criteria...

4 comment(s), latest 13 years, 8 months ago