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Looking for Ryder

My father was Edwin Ryder, born in Montreal, Canada in 1914. I know his mother was Jane Randall and his father was Charles Ryder. I know he had one sister and two brothers; Jenny Ryder, George Ryder but I do not know or remember the other Ryder. He was also related to one Edwin Lamb. Anyone out there know anything?

Looking forGUNN-SUTHERLAND of Edinburgh Scotland.

My mother was Emma Welburn from Namur, Quebec, Canada and my father was Edwin Ryder from Montreal, Quebec Canada - his parents were Charles Ryder and Jane Randall I believe both were from England. My mother's parents were Margaret Gunn-Sutherland from Edinburgh, Scotland and her father was John Welburn from Lancashire. John Welburn died from dysentry on Anti-Costi Island, Canada,year unknown. I'd appreciate any help I can get. Thanks :)

5 comment(s), latest 2 years, 11 months ago