vickikaiser on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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George Fell Slocum and Ida Edith Christinck Jaggers

My second grandfather is George Fell Slocum II, he was born in PA and we think his father is Major George Fell Slocum who is the son of Joseph Slocum and Sarah Fell. George II married Mary Edna Barnett and they had 4 children. George II was born in 1840 or 1843 and died in a mine accident in 1882 in Iowa. I would like to prove his parentage but I keep hitting brick walls.

Ida Edith Christinck is my great grand aunt she was born in colorado in 1886 and married George Jaggers in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1836. She died in in 1946. My mom and aunt think she had children but I am unable to find any information on them if she had some. I would love to know if she has any decendents.

thanks for any help

3 comment(s), latest 11 years, 5 months ago